Blade 17 - external monitor via USB-C/Thunderbolt 4 not working | Razer Insider
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Just purchased this new Razer Blade 17. Connecting to an external monitor with a USB-C-to-display-port cable, and a straight display port cable. From either of the Thunderbolt 4 (USB-C) ports. No signal detected from monitor. Whenever I plug in a monitor, NVIDIA control panel shows Optimus as the active graphics adapter. And the NVIDIA GPU becomes disabled and I'm unable to select. See screenshot.

I just used the Razer BIOS updater and updated the EC as well.

Model: (*Omitted)

Any help is greatly appreciated!
I have the same problem for my Razer Blade 14 (2022) 3070 Ti.

I connected a VR headset with a USB-C-to-display-port cable and it could only be supported by the internal AMD graphics but not the NVIDIA GPU.

Does anyone know whether there is any update can solve this problem?
Same issue on blade 17 2022 with i9 Andrzej 3080ti. When monitor od connexting thrugh thunderbolt 4 Windows show two notifications first not every fuction can work Andrzej second gsync device is avalible. Monitor domy show anyting im Windows settings display extremalnie monitor domy show on nvidia centrolewicy panel also nothing. Bios is is up to date and downgrade nvidia driver to 512.95 domy work. Any ideał how to Gorce it to work ?
Can someone check if have the same strange behavior ? Driver 512.15 left tb4 port detect monitor but dont give still signal to monitor but tb4 dock worka fine and right tb4 port give signal to monitor without issues. If i’m not wrong both sides tb4 ports Should have direct connection to nvidia card.blade 17 2022 RZ09-0423* (Omitted the other characters)
Can someone check if have the same strange behavior ? Driver 512.15 left tb4 port detect monitor but dont give still signal to monitor but tb4 dock worka fine and right tb4 port give signal to monitor without issues. If i’m not wrong both sides tb4 ports Should have direct connection to nvidia card.blade 17 2022 RZ09-0423* (Omitted the other characters)

I replied to your PM, BlackFireDragon. Let's continue our conversation privately as I want to kick-start a support ticket for your laptop's concern too.
Is there any progress in addressing this issue, for Nvidia drivers past 512.15?

It has been well over a month. I do not want to be stuck to an older version of the display drivers indefinitely.
Just purchased new Razer Blade 14. I use a razer docking. Connecting to an external monitor with a thunderbolt cable. From either of the Thunderbolt 4 (USB-C) ports. No signal detected from monitor. works perfectly fine if I use a dongle to covert the thunderbolt to HDMI on the razer docking.

I rolled back the Navidia driver per suggestion. did nothing.
Thank you! will try. two questions - 1) what do you mean by don't mistake driver uninstaller? and 2) what is the app to remove registry entries?
Thank you! will try. two questions - 1) what do you mean by don't mistake driver uninstaller? and 2) what is the app to remove registry entries?

If you want to remove registry files, try using the Revo Uninstaller. Please refrain from to not deleting any Microsoft registries as it can harm your PC's operating system. If you only want to delete the GPU driver, you can search for Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU).
this is so weird. i did what you suggested. now it's working if i connect my laptop to a monitor directly via thunderbolt. however, still not working if i go through the razer docking station..
I finally figured out... The driver was fine. no issue. The only issue is that my new razer require thunderbolt 4 cable to connect to external monitor. i swapped the thunderbolt 3 to 4 and all problems solved. Thanks!!

Thanks for confirming. Should you need additional assistance, you can submit a ticket to our Support Team as the laptop's port performance needs an investigation. Otherwise, send me a PM so I can help initiate a support ticket on your behalf.
I finally figured out... The driver was fine. no issue. The only issue is that my new razer require thunderbolt 4 cable to connect to external monitor. i swapped the thunderbolt 3 to 4 and all problems solved. Thanks!!

Is this maybe the solution for everyone with this issue?
Hi ! Similar problem on Razer Bade 15 Advanced 2021 (RZ09-0409)

I use two monitors connected via USB-C on the razer dock thunderbolt 4. I also updated my bios to v2.02.

With nvidia driver <516.xx everything is working fine.

With nvidia driver >516.xx my monitors are listed in the nvidia control panel but cannot be used. I tried to connect the tb4 dock on both USB-C ports, same problem. When I connect the monitors without the dock, directly on the USB-C ports it's working properly.

I hope this will help devs finding the problem.

I must say that I am also disappointed that this could happen with hardware that is that expensive.

Have a great day
I’m happy that help you. For the tb4 is hard to tell becose i’m using direct connection and on my tb4 all ports are in use. How are the ivestigation is going ? Becose people/cudtmers are waiting.
THIS IS A DRIVER ISSUE! Roll back your graphics driver and the connectivity will be there. This is an NVIDIA issue. No idea why Razer haven't made this clear.
Has this been solved?

We have found that by updating to the latest NVIDIA driver (later than 512.33), the USB-C port will not work when connecting to an external monitor. Please check the following:

• The Blade 17 2022 | RZ09-0423x (both USB-C ports will not work).

• The Blade 15 2022 | RZ09-0421x (the USB C on the right side will not work).

• For QHD 240Hz SKU, which supports Advance Optimus (the "Manage Display Mode" option in the NVIDIA control panel will not be present).

Razer is aware of this behavior, and the Support Team is tackling this issue and currently communicating with our developers. Our workaround is to perform a display driver rollback to 512.33, the same version in the Windows update. If the rollback button is grey out, uninstall the current driver and perform a Windows update check.

Has this been solved?
Which Blade 15 adv 2021 do you have? Mine is RZ09-0367 and I can't find any BIOS upgrade for it.

Hello, my computer is the same model as yours, the same, I can't find any bios update,I don't want Razer to just drop this model,They don't even open XMP and undervoltage to us.
THIS IS A DRIVER ISSUE! Roll back your graphics driver and the connectivity will be there. This is an NVIDIA issue. No idea why Razer haven't made this clear.

I dont agree with you the same issues was on every other laptops from the review of msi ge56 or 76 if dont mistake reviewer rise up this problem on Video and tell he send message to msi about this and after a week they give bios update. So yeah we stuck waiting on Razer enginering to solve this. I can only Think base on the info from other brands and they actions this can be conflict or communication issue from gpu to motherboard.
I finally figured out... The driver was fine. no issue. The only issue is that my new razer require thunderbolt 4 cable to connect to external monitor. i swapped the thunderbolt 3 to 4 and all problems solved. Thanks!!

Which cable did you use? What model Razer did this work for?
working on a NVidia driver 516.25 or higher?

I heard something about making sure your USB-C ->Displayport cables are rated for Thunderbolt 4.

Nope read my previous post here. On second question this dont give anyting. Without bios update that fix the issue you do anyting. You stuck on old driver where external monitor works or new where it dosent. The posts that you write was where old or other brands have bios update.
I own a Razer Blade 17 2022 , NVidia RTX 3070ti

And manage to fix the problem with downgrade Nvidia to 512.95

All good now
Just to confirm, I own a Razer Blade 15 2022, RTX 3070 Ti and have the same problem.

I can also revert back to Geforce 512.95 and then my Razer Raptor monitor is recognized again by the USB-C port on the right side. But I still can't use the most recent drivers.

This is a serious issue, especially for what's supposed to be a cutting-edge gaming laptop. It's incredibly frustrating that this has been going on for months and Razer still hasn't found a solution with Nvidia.
Same problem here. On support staff No. 3 and still not a hint of a solution. Seems like the Razer Blade 17 cannot run 3 external monitors for some reason. Great laptop however only bought for using external monitors so appears a complete waste of money
Quick question to Razer support. Is there any progress on fixing this issue if not Razer plan replaceing the units that have this issue with the new 40xx gpu. This start to be annoying I will speak for everyone here we dont pay some less others more to have units that dont work as it should be. Razer as manufacture and warranty provider should fix this long time ago !
Can confirm, newest Nvidia Studio Driver 517.40 fixes this!

If you have the (default) "Game Ready" driver installed, it will not update automatically, as of right now. Go to the nvidia site and download the studio driver version.
