Hey Insiders!
We've got more Star Trek Online loot for you. Pick up our exclusive Razer Giveaway Pack ($15 value) which includes the following in-game items for:
- Terran Empire Uniform Set
- 1 Elite Services Pack
- 1 Small XP Boost
With this exclusive free pack, you can be a true Terran Empire solider thanks to the Terran Empire Uniform Set, the Elite Services Pack and Small XP Boost!
Click here to pick up your Razer Giveaway Pack!
Things have escalated in the Mirror Universe, as the Terran Empire has merged with The Other, an entity of tremendous power, driven by rage and a thirst for revenge on its creators. Up until this point, the mastermind behind the Terran Empire's brutal assault on the galaxy has remained a secret. However, on Star Trek Day, both players and millions of Star Trek fans from around the world will finally learn the truth. The Terran Emperor is none other than the Mirror version of Wesley Crusher from Star Trek: The Next Generation (voiced by Wil Wheaton, who originated the role over 35 years ago). In order to stop the emperor from annihilating both universes, the Federation will need to sever his connection to the Other.
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