I like these products! Especially Basilisk v3 pro white edition!!!!!
planning to get a basilisk soon as my deathadder scroll wheel gave up
Quartz Orochi V2 looks fantastic.
But nothing beats Quartz Atheris with "triangle pattern".
Basilisk V3 Pro in white is super cool. Want it :smile_:
White Basilisk V3 Pro looks clean AF!
time for Rainbow Color
Bring our the old design man
Hard to catch up with all these new product
Like the light growing, but the mimic design
deathstalker tkl in white... omg im drooling NEED
does it turn yellowish?
Nice Colours.
currently only my keebs are Mercury. imma slowly upgrade everything else to white (mice, headsets, laptop!) as soon as they're made available.
i see now the Viper is finally available in Mercury! so that's the next goal
The Basilisk in white is such a beauty... damn
basilisk in white looks so good!!!
Ok, i'm not normally into quartz or mercury but the photo with the white basilisk v3 looks pretty sick, too bad its full of editing to be able to look like that.
hello guys,
Would this basilisk v3 pro be better than deathadder elite for fps even if the weight is high?
I've seen many videos where the scroll sometimes doesn't work and keeps scrolling.
Express your style with more fan-favorite gear sporting our iconic colorways. Stand out with the latest
additions to the Razer Quartz collection or keep it clean with the Razer DeathStalker V2 Pro and Basilisk V3 Pro in white. https://rzr.to/razercon
they look so slick
I can't find the right thread to post this to, so I am just going to leave it here. I am not being awarded the getting started award although I have met the requirements. Also, I cannot create new posts. I can reply to posts, but I cannot make my own posts. There is no button to press to create a post. I can start conversations, but I cannot create forum posts.
Planning to get these products. Will this be worth buying these product?
Rahul Mark
Not a huge fan of white, but it still looks good and love the Basilsik! I’ve had the OG, V2 and V3 so far.
Dang, I'm entirely good with my wired Basilisk V3 still and prefer my stuff in black, but that white Basilisk Pro looks seriously dope.