Razer phone with Bluetooth car audio | Razer Insider
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Razer phone with Bluetooth car audio

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201 Replies

  • 32 replies
  • September 13, 2018
Yeah its out in some regions and seems to have fixed BT from what I've read....Nothing for 3 in the UK yet but I guess keep checking for updates.

  • 7 replies
  • September 14, 2018
can we get a larger poll of people chiming in if this fixed their BT issues? its still not working for me using a KW-V130BT. and now im not sure if its something I am doing or if maybe now the problem has shifted to my receiver. going to try the BT with a few other things that didnt work for me before.

  • 72 replies
  • September 14, 2018
From personal experience, automotive bluetooth is the wild west of tech. what an example? I had to use the firmware for the UK version of my Alpine bluetooth module to work properly with most phones made after 2012. I've had my phones give issues in my friends 2018 Honda (factory system), I've seen issues on my brother's JVC in his car, etc. For me, once MR2 was installed, the second I turned on my car it connected. Only things I can suggest to try is 1: delete the association on both your head unit and phone, reboot and try again; 2: Look to see if updates are available for your headunit or 3: factory reset the phone and try again. Bluetooth as a standard has always had messy implementations.

  • 7 replies
  • September 14, 2018
I messed around again for a bit picking the kid up from school and couldn't get it to do anything other than sync text no audio. went into developer option and changed the bluetooth audio codec from system default to AAC and it fired right up. was so pumped. went to the store and came back out again and it wouldn't work again. changed it back to the AAC and still nothing. so there's functionality. just have to fine tune it i guess. play with it more later. its too hot out.

  • 0 replies
  • September 16, 2018
I am happy to report all is working okay on my 2016 Skoda, Anderson (stock) head unit, i.e. I am now seeing metadata displayed correctly and device re-syncs with no issues This may or may not help others if you're still having problems, but as godashram indicated, I did a full factory reset & removal of root (I'd only messed around with rooting to see if I could resolve this issue in the first place), plus deleted my phone from my car's bluetooth memory & re-paired from scratch (initiated from the head unit rather than the phone)

  • 0 replies
  • September 17, 2018
Any idea when the update will be out from 3?

  • 32 replies
  • September 17, 2018
Three told me that they are waiting on Google for confirmation that they can roll it out. They don't have a date yet. I assume that's going to be within a few days but that's a guess on my part. EDIT: I hit a brick wall trying to speak to Google about it. Android Help just seems to offer generic advice. I couldn't find a contact form or web chat.

  • 0 replies
  • September 18, 2018
Just spoken to Three. They dont have a date for the update to be rolled out! Kind of sick of this situation now. Is there any other way of getting the update to fix the bluetooth issue?
Just spoken to Three. They dont have a date for the update to be rolled out! Kind of sick of this situation now. Is there any other way of getting the update to fix the bluetooth issue?
And just had a chat to Razer online customer service, this is what they had to say 'other Regions the MR2 Oreo update was already released last September 12,2018 but for UK customers, it will be released on a later date but we don't have an ETA for it yet.'

  • 32 replies
  • September 18, 2018
Just spoken to Three. They dont have a date for the update to be rolled out! Kind of sick of this situation now. Is there any other way of getting the update to fix the bluetooth issue?
You could flash the global MR2 image but it'll void your warranty if anything goes wrong (and Razer themselves warn that flashing to global from branded might) and you need to find an image first. It's not on the Razer developer site but I read on Reddit that someone did just that so it must be obtainable from somewhere. Or you could try to RMA your phone and hope that the new one is global and not 3 branded. That may not be any quicker than waiting for 3 to release MR2 though and probably a long shot getting a global version & not 3 anyway.

  • 0 replies
  • September 25, 2018
I've ran out of patience and will flash an older version on my phone even if it voids my warranty. Do I have to go to stock, or will the 8.1 MR0 image be enough? is there any resolution? pubg pc

  • 0 replies
  • September 25, 2018
I gave Three a proper telling off this morning!! Their customer service saying I need to contact Razer to resolve. The point I was making is that Three sold me a phone and they need to support it. Three dont have a date for the fix as Razer havent pushed the updated firware to them. So I contacted Razer. They couldnt give me a date but kindly asked me to wait. I declined. I asked for a replacement worldwide handset instead of three branded, as this will fix the issue, due to a worldwide fix already released. I still hold Three to account though as I asked them what have they done to help its customers, seems very little...

  • 32 replies
  • September 25, 2018
I've ran out of patience and will flash an older version on my phone even if it voids my warranty. Do I have to go to stock, or will the 8.1 MR0 image be enough? is there any resolution? pubg pc
I believe MR0 is sufficient but not certain as I originally updated from 7.1.1 so never ran MR0.
I gave Three a proper telling off this morning!! Their customer service saying I need to contact Razer to resolve. The point I was making is that Three sold me a phone and they need to support it. Three dont have a date for the fix as Razer havent pushed the updated firware to them. So I contacted Razer. They couldn't give me a date but kindly asked me to wait. I declined. I asked for a replacement worldwide handset instead of three branded, as this will fix the issue, due to a worldwide fix already released. I still hold Three to account though as I asked them what have they done to help its customers, seems very little...
What did they say when you asked for a global handset? I totally agree about 3. I've been with them for years and always found them excellent until this fiasco (in fact the same could be said for Razer). I don't mind a reasonable wait as these things take time but I have waited...for 5 months...and still don't have a fix (or even a date for a fix) for a fundamental problem with a supposedly market leading phone. Right now I'm not ready to buy anything else off either of them. Shame really because my Mamba Elite mouse & Tiamat headset both need replacing. Guess I'll hit up Logitech this time around.

  • 0 replies
  • September 25, 2018
Razer gave me an RMA form to fill out, I've done this so lets see how long it takes them to come back to me. Three said they wil come back to me in 48hrs, but they also said this last week and failed. Not that its worth it but I threatened them both with trading standards, epecially Three as Im still paying the same amount on my contract even though the phone has reduced ability.

  • 7 replies
  • September 26, 2018
well just factory reset my phone and its still not talking to my car stereo or house stereo until I manually change the audio codecs under developer options. and it needs done every time. really running out of ideas. just says connected no media.

  • 0 replies
  • October 1, 2018
After filling out the RMA form, together with all the images required of my receipt, I received an email to say I cant return my handset and I have to wait. So I've reported both Three and Razer to trading standards.

  • 0 replies
  • October 11, 2018
Just received a message from 3. Beyond fuming about a release of the Razer 2. I vow to never buy another Razer product. Customer service is appalling and the support for a what £600 device is an absolute disgrace. One of the main features of a mobile phone has been broken for at least 5 months. Very very disappointed. Hopefully the Asus ROG has a better team behind it!

  • 0 replies
  • October 16, 2018
I chased up again this morning, looking for a fix or replacement global handset. Support simply cant help you. They either dont know or rude. I asked for an email address to submit my complaint to, wait for it.... I have to write, yes write a letter to germany office. I cant put into words how sick I am of this situation. No cutomer service, no help, no care, no date for fix, no longer going to put up with this from Razer. Come and collect your phone, i hate it!!!!

  • 0 replies
  • October 17, 2018
Its a shame really. It is the only thing i can fault the phone on, but it is a pretty major fault. Waiting 5 months for a fix to feature which is pretty important, regardless of which phone you own, is simply not acceptable. And for companies like Three and Razer, who rely upon customer loyalty, to ignore the issue, is rubbing salt into the wounds. The last communication i had from Razer was at the start of June, when they said that they were aware of the issue and that a fix would be rolled out with the next update, although they never gave a date for the next update. Since then, there has been nothing. It just appears to me that they have washed their hands of the problem, hoping that we will go away.

  • 0 replies
  • October 17, 2018
I sure wont be letting them get away with this...

  • 32 replies
  • October 26, 2018
Launch a complaint against Three using Resolver.co.uk. I haven't had any success with it yet but at least I am now in a meaningful dialogue with them. I asked for a part refund of my monthly payment to cover the portion that covers the phone cost. I'd actually prefer to go after Razer but as I bought the phone from Three I have to go through them. EDIT: Forgot to say - "Sale of Goods Act 1979 - Fit For Purpose"

  • 11 replies
  • October 26, 2018
Anyone having Bluetooth issues with Razer Phone 2? I'm able to connect my Razer Phone 1 to my cars bluetooth but can't get Razer Phone 2 to connect no matter what I do. An update came out today, was thinking that would fix the issue but it has not. Looking to see if others have issues or if I just got a bad phone?

  • 0 replies
  • October 26, 2018
Anyone having Bluetooth issues with Razer Phone 2? I'm able to connect my Razer Phone 1 to my cars bluetooth but can't get Razer Phone 2 to connect no matter what I do. An update came out today, was thinking that would fix the issue but it has not. Looking to see if others have issues or if I just got a bad phone?
Yes. I have a 2017 Silverado and I can connect my phone by Bluetooth and the audio plays through fine, but as soon as I connect my phone to the USB C cable for use with Android Auto the audio comes out my phone speakers and Bluetooth says (no media) even though the option is checked. Calls go through the head unit and so does Pandora, but Play Music will only play through my phone speakers. If I disconnect the cable it'll start playing through the head unit again. I've factory reset my phone while sitting here messing with it, but to no avail. It's really a shame too. I like this phone but this is a deal breaker for me. I use Android Auto every single day. I can't think of anything else. I've reset the phone Reset Bluetooth Reset Andoid Auto Reset Google Play Music I've unpaired every device from my head unit Changed bluetooth codecs Turned off Dolby Nothing changes it. When plugged into any of 4 different cables, including the one razer provided, 2 Samsung and 1 pixel cable, it always stops playing through the phone speakers. Unfortunately this will probably mean it has to be returned. I've otherwise loved the phone, but this is a feature I use daily, multiple times throughout the day. I've not had a problem with this on any other phone.

  • 11 replies
  • October 26, 2018
Yes. I have a 2017 Silverado and I can connect my phone by Bluetooth and the audio plays through fine, but as soon as I connect my phone to the USB C cable for use with Android Auto the audio comes out my phone speakers and Bluetooth says (no media) even though the option is checked. Calls go through the head unit and so does Pandora, but Play Music will only play through my phone speakers. If I disconnect the cable it'll start playing through the head unit again. I've factory reset my phone while sitting here messing with it, but to no avail. It's really a shame too. I like this phone but this is a deal breaker for me. I use Android Auto every single day. I can't think of anything else. I've reset the phone Reset Bluetooth Reset Andoid Auto Reset Google Play Music I've unpaired every device from my head unit Changed bluetooth codecs Turned off Dolby Nothing changes it. When plugged into any of 4 different cables, including the one razer provided, 2 Samsung and 1 pixel cable, it always stops playing through the phone speakers. Unfortunately this will probably mean it has to be returned. I've otherwise loved the phone, but this is a feature I use daily, multiple times throughout the day. I've not had a problem with this on any other phone.
I can't even get the Bluetooth to connect to my car on the Razer Phone 2... It just fails to connect every time. I've been using my Razer Phone 1 for the mean time. That one connects to my car without issues. I just submitted a ticket via Razer support. Will have to see what they say. I'm going to have my girlfriend see if her Razer Phone 2 will connect to my car. I have a 2017 Mistubishi Lancer. I've had no issues connecting friends iPhone or Android phone. Like I said, my Razer Phone 1 connects without issues as well.

  • 0 replies
  • October 31, 2018
I can't even get the Bluetooth to connect to my car on the Razer Phone 2... It just fails to connect every time. I've been using my Razer Phone 1 for the mean time. That one connects to my car without issues. I just submitted a ticket via Razer support. Will have to see what they say. I'm going to have my girlfriend see if her Razer Phone 2 will connect to my car. I have a 2017 Mistubishi Lancer. I've had no issues connecting friends iPhone or Android phone. Like I said, my Razer Phone 1 connects without issues as well.
I feel ya man. Only had the phone a day and my DD Evo X won't connect. (Older MMCS system before the newer Android Auto units came out.) Might have to try on the garage queen X FE, but I'll have to hook up the battery and I'm not feeling it today. My hard guess is that it's the same story. On the other hand, doesn't seem to be an issue on the Android Auto enabled models. Hooked up instantly at the first attempt with the wife's Eclipse Cross, at least. Both BT and Android Auto worked flawlessly. So, my guess at this point is that it has to do with Bluetooth versions. Perhaps the Phone 2's (or OS'?) software settings don't talk very well with legacy BT radios?

  • 11 replies
  • November 1, 2018
I feel ya man. Only had the phone a day and my DD Evo X won't connect. (Older MMCS system before the newer Android Auto units came out.) Might have to try on the garage queen X FE, but I'll have to hook up the battery and I'm not feeling it today. My hard guess is that it's the same story. On the other hand, doesn't seem to be an issue on the Android Auto enabled models. Hooked up instantly at the first attempt with the wife's Eclipse Cross, at least. Both BT and Android Auto worked flawlessly. So, my guess at this point is that it has to do with Bluetooth versions. Perhaps the Phone 2's (or OS'?) software settings don't talk very well with legacy BT radios?
Yeah it might have something to do with that... My girlfriend's Razer Phone 2 doesn't connect ti my lancer either. She has an 09 Lancer GTS no Bluetooth in that car to try >.< Also have a 2010 Corolla S with no Bluetooth to try phone in lol. I did compare all Bluetooth settings between my Razer phone 1 and 2. All settings are identical. Razer Support had me go through all settings in developer mode but no luck there. They want me to do a factory reset and try again. Will prob do that after Blizzcon this weekend since I'll have a long weekend :D

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