Razer phone with Bluetooth car audio | Razer Insider
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Razer phone with Bluetooth car audio

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201 Replies

  • 0 replies
  • July 20, 2018
Doesn't rolling back void the warranty.

Doesn't rolling back void the warranty.
No, installing 3rd party ROMs and kernels voids the warranty. Razer has it on their own support page on how to install the factory images. https://developer.razer.com/razer-phone-dev-tools/factory-images/ By the way, it works. If you really NEED to fix this, just roll it back to the firmware before the update that broke everything. Then just make sure you don't update your phone until Razer adresses the issue. Problem solved. Close thread.

  • 0 replies
  • July 20, 2018
So to flash the the roll back you need to unlock the Bootlocker Disclaimer statement: Modifying your Razer Phone by unlocking the bootloader, or rooting your device will void your warranty.

Look, I'm not here to argue, I'm presenting a solution. Yes, you have to unlock the bootloader, unlocking the bootloader is not the same thing as rooting your phone. If you unlock the bootloader and reinstall stock factory images, you are not rooting or modifying your phone. Consider it like a factory reset. And you can always relock the bootloader after you are done.

  • 0 replies
  • July 23, 2018
I asked Razer to roll me back, they said they could but it would invaildate the warranty. So they wouldnt do it...

For those of you who dare do it yourself, (not hard at all...) go ahead and check out the links I am putting below. It is really a simple task, but make sure you are completely aware of what you are doing. Make a backup of all your files on your phone, they will be deleted. However, this does completely fix the bluetooth problem, and gives you back a completely functional phone. I have been doing this kind of stuff for years, the process is much more simplified now than it used to be. Regardless, here is a self help page. https://www.thecustomdroid.com/restore-razer-phone-stock-firmware/ https://developer.razer.com/razer-phone-dev-tools/factory-images/ IF YOU FOLLOW THESE DIRECTIONS ONE STEP AT A TIME, YOU WILL BE FINE. This will be the last post I put here, from here on it is on you guys to solve some problems yourselves and stop complaining so much. Razer can't void your warranty if your bootloader is locked, though they might void mine just for trying to be helpful to you guys...Relocking the bootloader is done in the process of rolling it back. Anyways, good luck! :wink_::cool_::big_grin_:

  • 32 replies
  • July 26, 2018
For those of you who dare do it yourself, (not hard at all...) go ahead and check out the links I am putting below. It is really a simple task, but make sure you are completely aware of what you are doing. Make a backup of all your files on your phone, they will be deleted. However, this does completely fix the bluetooth problem, and gives you back a completely functional phone. I have been doing this kind of stuff for years, the process is much more simplified now than it used to be. Regardless, here is a self help page. https://www.thecustomdroid.com/restore-razer-phone-stock-firmware/ https://developer.razer.com/razer-phone-dev-tools/factory-images/ IF YOU FOLLOW THESE DIRECTIONS ONE STEP AT A TIME, YOU WILL BE FINE. This will be the last post I put here, from here on it is on you guys to solve some problems yourselves and stop complaining so much. Razer can't void your warranty if your bootloader is locked, though they might void mine just for trying to be helpful to you guys...Relocking the bootloader is done in the process of rolling it back. Anyways, good luck! :wink_::cool_::big_grin_:
If you had read the entire thread you would know that this was discussed very early on and many of us favoured waiting for Razer to roll out a fix. Whether flashing a custom image or stock it does void your warranty and whilst the chances of having an issue flashing back are remote it can brick your phone. If that should happen you can't re-lock the bootloader and people would then have no warranty to fall back on. Why should it be on us guys to solve a problem Razer created? It's clearly Razer's responsibility especially when there are very real risks involved in us doing so. On a more positive note as someone else posted, it's been nearly 3 months now so there should be an update just around the corner.

  • 0 replies
  • July 30, 2018
Having a wierdly similar problem. I received my phone last week, ensured it had the latest Firmware, and set up Android Auto with it (I did NOT try bluetoothing it to my stereo first, as AA handles that as part of the setup, I drive a 2016 Civic). Everything worked great. Maps felt snappier than on my Pixel 1, etc. Everything continued to work fine with my car, and with my portable bluetooth speaker I use around the house. Then over the weekend it just... Stopped working with my car. I literally drove to the grocery store with Android Auto on, then when I got back in my car after shopping it wouldn't work. No software updates, no app installs in that time, nothing at all. Android Auto claimed that 'no device is connected' and when I connected with Bluetooth it would display track names but not actually play any audio. I tried soft resetting to no avail, both on my car stereo and my phone. I also tried deleting Android Auto from my phone, clearing my cache, and clearing out all of the devices synced to my car. I plugged my old Pixel in and it booted Android Auto just fine with no issues, so I know it's not the car or the cable. I also am having no issues with my Razer phone connecting to my portable speaker. It's just Razer phone to car stereo/Android Auto. Seems super weird that it worked for a few days before cutting out too. I started putting in support tickets too, for what it's worth.

If you had read the entire thread you would know that this was discussed very early on and many of us favoured waiting for Razer to roll out a fix. Whether flashing a custom image or stock it does void your warranty and whilst the chances of having an issue flashing back are remote it can brick your phone. If that should happen you can't re-lock the bootloader and people would then have no warranty to fall back on. Why should it be on us guys to solve a problem Razer created? It's clearly Razer's responsibility especially when there are very real risks involved in us doing so. On a more positive note as someone else posted, it's been nearly 3 months now so there should be an update just around the corner.
If you had read my entire POST, I said that I was simply presenting a solution. It was up to you guys whether you wanted to use it or not. I couldn't care less about you bitching about a problem you can fix yourself. I simply ENABLED you with the information to FIX THE PROBLEM, because it is blatantly obvious it isn't getting fixed by Razer. And with that I bid you good day.

  • 0 replies
  • August 8, 2018
I've ran out of patience and will flash an older version on my phone even if it voids my warranty. Do I have to go to stock, or will the 8.1 MR0 image be enough?

I've ran out of patience and will flash an older version on my phone even if it voids my warranty. Do I have to go to stock, or will the 8.1 MR0 image be enough?
MR0 is enough .Make sure to make a backup of all files on the internal memory, they will be wiped .

  • 0 replies
  • August 15, 2018
Hi Guys, I posted in another thread that seems to have been deleted but I think @Darksteel165 was in it. Basically razer tried to blame Nissan for the fault, I went down all the appropriate routes and even took my car into the dealership for testing of the stereo. Everything is fine, I relayed this to razer and said I'd get my girlfriends galaxy s8 connected up the following night. I got an instant response with an admission it was a fault on razers behalf. See quote below. 'I will be eager to hear about the results of testing the Samsung Galaxy S8 on your Nissan's infotainment system. Note that we have in fact identified this issue as being a Razer Phone issue, and are currently working on an update that will fix this in the near future.' I received this on the 27th June. The problem was reported end of May. Very disappointed there's no fix. I must add that Bluetooth does work via the stereo but I have to connect manually. Steering controls and stereo controls will not control the phone. Information will not display on the stereo screen that being music or contacts for phone calls. This is a big deal as I'm paying for a product that has advertised features that do not work. I travel a lot in my line of work meaning I use hands free as it's a illegal to use a phone whilst driving. Tried to go down the route of giving the phone back to Three but it had to be within a certain time frame of purchase. Gutted I left Samsung to be honest.

  • 72 replies
  • August 15, 2018
They probably blamed the car 1st since, to be honest, bluetooth as a standard is a mess most of the time. The bigger issue, as these threads have proven, is that there is an issue with bluetooth on the Razer Phone. I don't see how it would be so hard to revert the bluetooth stack and push out a minor update, but seeing how updates have been released, they probably think 1 big update is easier vs a bunch of smaller updates. What doesn't help is the lack of communication. Tier 1 support seems to be grasping at straws while no real info is being given.

  • 0 replies
  • August 15, 2018
EDIT apparently they are (this month...): Hi Adam, We wish to express our apologies for the wrong Razer phone update information given by the previous tech. We would like to clarify that the next update this end of August is not an Android Pie update. This will be an Android Oreo maintenance release update or a fix release to some Razer phone issues like Bluetooth issues. Should you have any concern, please contact us soon. We look forward to hearing back from you. All the best, Charlo Razer Tech Support ref:_00D301H0hE._5000c1cS0PA: ref FYI they're not fixing this on Oreo: to me Hi! Yes it will be directly an update to Android Pie (9). Razer Support <support-us@razersupport.com> Aug 7 (8 days ago) Any bugs that I should be aware of before I roll back to MR0?

Hi Guys, I posted in another thread that seems to have been deleted but I think @Darksteel165 was in it. Basically razer tried to blame Nissan for the fault, I went down all the appropriate routes and even took my car into the dealership for testing of the stereo. Everything is fine, I relayed this to razer and said I'd get my girlfriends galaxy s8 connected up the following night. I got an instant response with an admission it was a fault on razers behalf. See quote below. 'I will be eager to hear about the results of testing the Samsung Galaxy S8 on your Nissan's infotainment system. Note that we have in fact identified this issue as being a Razer Phone issue, and are currently working on an update that will fix this in the near future.' I received this on the 27th June. The problem was reported end of May. Very disappointed there's no fix. I must add that Bluetooth does work via the stereo but I have to connect manually. Steering controls and stereo controls will not control the phone. Information will not display on the stereo screen that being music or contacts for phone calls. This is a big deal as I'm paying for a product that has advertised features that do not work. I travel a lot in my line of work meaning I use hands free as it's a illegal to use a phone whilst driving. Tried to go down the route of giving the phone back to Three but it had to be within a certain time frame of purchase. Gutted I left Samsung to be honest.
I'm in the same boat mate. The phone won't automatically reconnect to my Dacia stereo, however I have been using my Bluetooth satnav flawlessly with the razer phone ( connects every time :0) ) maybe try that if you can for now. Btw I'm using a Garmin drivesmart satnav with Bluetooth connectivity.

  • 32 replies
  • August 20, 2018
So I emailed support for an update and got a reply that said MR2 is rolling out before the end of August. "This issue will be fixed by the Android 8.1 MR2 update which will be available by the end of August. Thank you for your patience." Happy days if so. Fritz EDIT:Sorry heaven, I didn't see your edit b4 posting....Still happy days though

  • 72 replies
  • August 31, 2018
well, august has already ended in some parts of the world. A little over 12 hours left where I am located.

  • 30 replies
  • September 1, 2018
well, august has already ended in some parts of the world. A little over 12 hours left where I am located.
They said end of August but sadly they didn't say what year :-(

  • 72 replies
  • September 2, 2018
They said end of August but sadly they didn't say what year :-(
guess you're right, as august is now just a memory

  • Super Saiyan Mod
  • 375 replies
  • September 2, 2018
Delays happen (that is of course if the Razer support guys were correct. I always find their answers to be wrong as they don't know that much and will say anything to get rid of you) I know the bluetooth issue is effecting loads of people and Razer are aware of it so I hope you guys get sorted soon.

  • 72 replies
  • September 2, 2018
Delays happen (that is of course if the Razer support guys were correct. I always find their answers to be wrong as they don't know that much and will say anything to get rid of you) I know the bluetooth issue is effecting loads of people and Razer are aware of it so I hope you guys get sorted soon.
For sure, on top of that, never trust tier 1 support... just frustrating as Razer has no method outside of support for contact/suggestions nor do they mention any pending updates/features consistently. Add to that support has told various people differing bits of info throughout the entire time the phone has been out.

  • 32 replies
  • September 2, 2018
Delays happen (that is of course if the Razer support guys were correct. I always find their answers to be wrong as they don't know that much and will say anything to get rid of you) I know the bluetooth issue is effecting loads of people and Razer are aware of it so I hope you guys get sorted soon.
I'm guessing just a delay as they contacted people to correct info previously given so I don't doubt MR2 is imminent. I'd rather wait another few days to make sure its been properly QA'd to be honest I just spoke to support. "Early September" was their reply for an updated release date for MR2. Keep checking your phones over the next few days is all I can say. Fritz

  • 0 replies
  • September 4, 2018
Then late September, then early October, etc etc etc.......

  • 0 replies
  • September 4, 2018
It's coming, Q5

  • 72 replies
  • September 13, 2018
Latest update seems to have fixed bluetooth. It did for me at least. Connected to my car right away at startup

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