windows not recognize razer stream conteoller drivers | Razer Insider

windows not recognize razer stream conteoller drivers

  • 18 April 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi, I bought the razer stream controller to make me easy stream and editing video and photo but doesn't work well.

I updated the firmware and use the last software of louoedeck but in device manager of Windows indicate that the stream controller don't have drivers

Can I download separate?

How can fix the issue? 

I'm disappointed and in my country (Argentina) it's very expensive buy an device like that.



1 Reply

This is not a permanent solution but you could press and hold the round button and number 7 at the same time until it restart  
But every time you restart you have to do this to be able to make it work

I have the problem with the LCD pad
firmware version 0.2.13 
