Since few days I have a problem with razer central service process. This process use I mean too much of CPU, something around 12% and CPU temperature is to high +/- 45 degrees (normaly I have something about 33)… all in idle. I did windows update rollback - nothing, Razer software reinstalled - nothing. Maybe someone know, what I can do? this is really annoying…
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Update: Just undervolted my 5800x3d to try and lower my idle temps in general, but noticed after doing so razer software is suddenly behaving and running perfectly (service only taking 0-0.1% usage idle, and normal idle temps). Not sure if its related or just luck but here is the guide I followed in case anyone can find a connection (didn’t do the PBO2 Tuner bit):
now THAT’S interesting for sure even though i’m somewhat clueless what to make of it - i personally don’t want to play too much with over-/ underclocking my 3900x and consider reluctantly disabling the razor software for the time being, temporarily replacing it with to at least make my Blackwidow Keyboard stop doing its default color shifting.
I furthermore wonder if all of us affected have anything in common, like CPUs from certain manufacturers, running certain background tasks… funny thing is: i didn’t notice the issue after updating the razer software but after updating my avast antivirus and rebooting - but that’s just me noticing… (and no - i completely disabled avast and rebooted without it resolving the issue)
Benutze auch Avast und auch bei mir war es nach einem Neustart so.
Aber Deinstalliert man Synapse 3 ist je alles wieder okay. Also muss es ja die Razer Software sein, würde ich schlussfolgern.
Muss nicht so sein - Ich traue Avast durchaus zu so tief im System rumzupfuschen, dass Services anderer Hersteller betroffen sind. Als Antivirus Software mit allen moeglichen Ueberwachungsfunktionen muss es sich ja selbst recht tief im System verankern.
Als ich oben genanntes OpenRGB ausprobiert habe, hat Avast auch sofort erstmal rumgehupt, wegen vermeintlichem generischen Ransomeware Angriff, ausgeloest durch den Zugriff von OpenRGB auf bestimmte spezifische Hardwarefunktionen, die es zum Steuern/ Auslesen der RGB-steuerbaren Motherboard Schnittstellen braucht.
Story dazu: Habe den PC Neu gestartet da sich Avast nach 2 Jahren Co-Existenz an meiner Aquasuite-Software gestört hatte. Habe ich somit Avast Updaten lassen mit Neustart im anschluß. Danach brach die “Hölle” los.
Razer Center Service (32bit) hat bei meinem 5600X die Temp. im Idle von 34°C auf 55°C an steigen lassen.
Das ist mehr als beim Zocken von CoD MW2 / WarZone2.0 (Durchschnitt 48°C)
Muss dazu sagen habe eine Custom Wasserkühlung die diese Temperatur abfängt, aber die Wasser Temperatur steigt auf 34°C hoch in ca. 10min. Beim Zocken sind es momentan nach 3-4 Std. Zocken max. 30°C mit 20°C Raumtemperatur.
Finde dass schon heftig, dass eine Software so ein Fehler verursachen kann.
Es gab übrigens glaube 2010 schon mal bei Razer genau so einen Fehler mit der Software.
Weiß gar nicht wie und wann dass behoben wurde.
Hatte dann genau deswegen zu Logitech gewechselt.
Und bin echt am überlegen nicht doch meine Basilisk V3 Pro wieder gegen eine Neue G502 X Plus zu tauschen. Hoffe sie Fixen es schnell und vernünftig.
Sonst wars dass für Razer in meinem Haushalt ( 5 Köpfige Zocker Familie )
Ich persoenlich halte die Razer Software auch fuer “suboptimal” und wuerde mir kompaktere Pakete die die Razer Hardware unterstuetzen wuenschen - aber in diesem spezifischen Fall tendiere ich dazu, Avast fuer den Schuldigen zu halten.
Waere nicht das erste Mal, dass Avast mir Probleme macht, aber noch habe ich nicht ausprobiert, ob eine Deinstallation von Avast tatsaechlich auch bei mir das Razer-Service Problem behebt.
Same problem here, my computer is shouting so loudly that I can hear it from the other rooms. When will there be a fix for that ?
I have done many restarts - shut downs (fast startup is off), for some reason for killing the “Razer Central Service (32 bit)” process i do “Task Manager / Right click / End task” for some reason it needs every time to do this 3 times and then that process is totally dead and it doesn’t reopen. i have no idea why.
When i kill that razer process CPU temp goes instantly from 81C to 50C… I first noticed this 1-2 days ago when i also updated windows to last update because when in idle fans speed up and then speed down again every 40 seconds then noticed that process taking 15% in Task Manager.
I’m using Asus Rog Strix Scar III (Win 10 (full updated), i7 9750H, RTX 2070, 16GB DDR4 2666Mhz, 2TB 970 Evo Plus)
I just go to “Task Manager / right click / End task”. Every time i need to do this 3 times and then the “Razer Central Service (32 bit)” is completely dead. No idea why it always needs 3 times. (first 2 times this process re-runs by itself)
First noticed this 1-2 days ago probably when i updated windows to last update. Noticed that every 40 seconds my fans speed up and after a bit speed down again all the time… Then checked Task Manager and saw that process taking 15% of CPU.
Using Asus Rog Strix Scar III xWin 10 (all updates), i7 9750H, RTX 2070, 2TB 970 Evo Plus, 16GB DDR4 2666Mhz]
Ok, just checked it out: Completely UNINSTALLING Avast (as opposed to just disabling/ pausing it) has the Razer Service running again normal, i.e. on less than 1% processor load - so it seems something in Avast’s latest update is responsible for Razer Service running wild…
so guys i have avast as well once uninstalled avast and reinstall razer synapse problem seems to have gone for me thanks Deville505 for the hint !!
update : the issue comes also with AVG in fact only windows defender don’t trigger the issue
I just go to “Task Manager / right click / End task”. Every time i need to do this 3 times and then the “Razer Central Service (32 bit)” is completely dead. No idea why it always needs 3 times. (first 2 times this process re-runs by itself)
First noticed this 1-2 days ago probably when i updated windows to last update. Noticed that every 40 seconds my fans speed up and after a bit speed down again all the time… Then checked Task Manager and saw that process taking 15% of CPU.
Using Asus Rog Strix Scar III xWin 10 (all updates), i7 9750H, RTX 2070, 2TB 970 Evo Plus, 16GB DDR4 2666Mhz]
Killing the RazerCentralService should make Razer Synapse configurations not working anymore - so if you don’t want or need to run the customization of your Razor devices but don’t want do plain uninstall the whole software package, you can simply disable the RazerCentralService for good (i.e. making it not start at all on boot):
use either the “Run” command or the commandline/ DOS box to launch services.msc howto services
scroll down the list of services and look for “Razer Central Service”
Right-Click it and select “Properties”
in Properties, change “Startup Type” (from probably “automatic”) to “disabled”
that should completely disable the service and prevent the service from starting even after a reboot.
though i’m not sure there is any point i leaving the Razor software package installed when it’s effectively without any functionality anyways.
Anyway, for me uninstalling AVAST AntiVirus resolved the issue with RazerCentralService and my Razer devices work again without undue processor load
Killing the RazerCentralService should make Razer Synapse configurations not working anymore - so if you don’t want or need to run the customization of your Razor devices but don’t want do plain uninstall the whole software package, you can simply disable the RazerCentralService for good (i.e. making it not start at all on boot):
use either the “Run” command or the commandline/ DOS box to launch services.msc howto services
scroll down the list of services and look for “Razer Central Service”
Right-Click it and select “Properties”
in Properties, change “Startup Type” (from probably “automatic”) to “disabled”
that should completely disable the service and prevent the service from starting even after a reboot.
though i’m not sure there is any point i leaving the Razor software package installed when it’s effectively without any functionality anyways.
Anyway, for me uninstalling AVAST AntiVirus resolved the issue with RazerCentralService and my Razer devices work again without undue processor load
Oh didn’t noticed any difference, i guess cause i have all razer modules uninstalled. i don’t use rgb or settings for that. only a setting for my DPI mouse button that still works fine. I also use Avast Free Antivirus...
Same her any fix plz CPU:11900K
the fact its happening with multiple AV clients tells me its not the AV clients..but rather something in Razor doesn’t like them.
Same her any fix plz CPU:11900K
Seems to be an issue with Anti Virus software - So far AVAST and AVG seem to have issues with the Razer Service and uninstalling them (just disabling AVAST did not suffice) , leaving virus protection to Windows’ Defender should resolve it.
So far AVAST and AVG seem to have issues with the Razer Service and uninstalling them (just disabling AVAST did not suffice) , leaving virus protection to Windows’ Defender should resolve it.
I respectfully disagree. not everyone wants to use windows defender.
the fact its happening with multiple AV clients tells me its not the AV clients..but rather something in Razor doesn’t like them.
At a guess it’s a certain kind of protection at least AVAST (since recently) and AVG (for an unknown time) have implemented, Windows Defender has not.
I’m a bit reluctant to blame it entirely on the Razer software here as I know from own experience that at least AVAST has thrown warnings about perfectly legitimate code in the past, especially when the code was “exotic” (i.e. rarely use by other programs) and interacted with certain exotic (often hardware specific) interfaces - it could be either the AV software or Razer or both, but the fact is that the current Razer version seemed to have worked just fine until AVASTs latest update.
Doesn’t change the fact that Razer might have to consider changing something if possible at all, unless the AV software distributors change something on their end
I'm experiencing the same issues with same symptoms so nothing new to say, just wanna follow the treat to resolve this, i mean better solution than stopping the process to run automatically.
So far AVAST and AVG seem to have issues with the Razer Service and uninstalling them (just disabling AVAST did not suffice) , leaving virus protection to Windows’ Defender should resolve it.
I respectfully disagree. not everyone wants to use windows defender.
I would PREFER other AV software too - but while i have a choice between different AV solutions, the same can not be said about Razer’s software bundle - at least if i want to config my Razer hardware beyond the optical effects.
The Color configurations can seemingly mostly be done with OpenRGB, but i’m not aware of any software that can do the other settings like mouse resolution or keyboard macros etc.
Killing the RazerCentralService should make Razer Synapse configurations not working anymore - so if you don’t want or need to run the customization of your Razor devices but don’t want do plain uninstall the whole software package, you can simply disable the RazerCentralService for good (i.e. making it not start at all on boot):
use either the “Run” command or the commandline/ DOS box to launch services.msc howto services
scroll down the list of services and look for “Razer Central Service”
Right-Click it and select “Properties”
in Properties, change “Startup Type” (from probably “automatic”) to “disabled”
that should completely disable the service and prevent the service from starting even after a reboot.
though i’m not sure there is any point i leaving the Razor software package installed when it’s effectively without any functionality anyways.
Anyway, for me uninstalling AVAST AntiVirus resolved the issue with RazerCentralService and my Razer devices work again without undue processor load
Oh didn’t noticed any difference, i guess cause i have all razer modules uninstalled. i don’t use rgb or settings for that. only a setting for my DPI mouse button that still works fine. I also use Avast Free Antivirus...
Guessing only: certain settings (dpi settings for mouse, macros/ re-mappings etc. for keyboards) can be saved in the respective hardware (re: profiles) after configuration and most likely will remain there even after reboot without Razer service running. So unless you auto-changed these profiles depending on programs/ games running you might not notice much of a difference even with Razer service stopped/ disabled.
Why my Blackwidow Elite keyboard always falls back to shifting color pattern when the Service is stopped escapes me, but it’s rather annoying
Open task manager. Find Razer central service. Open service with service manager. Set Startup type to disabled.
Worked for me.
Same issue here but seems a lot worse
Come on, we didn’t bought Razer mouses and keyboards just because they look cool. We bought this expensive things because we use macros and profiles to different games.
What’s the point of this, if we need to disable Razer Central Service ? Better find some cheap mouse…
And I’m using Avast since like...15 years, so I would prefer to keep it too...
Removing Avast solved the problem for me as well.
From working in software I know that antivirus can be the root cause of a lot of issues, and to be honest I've never really been one to actively use them as they always tend to have background services running etc. But one thing that may be worth looking into is configuring exclusions in avast or similar products - that's the route we take in my work when simply removing antivirus isn't an option. Not sure if it would work here
As long as you aren't clicking on every link you see, going to bad sites you and just have a bit of common sense and security knowledge - you should be fine. Also agree with @Deville505 that razer isn't solely to blame here - would be quite surprised if razer was testing every antivirus software with theirs before launch.
Come on, we didn’t bought Razer mouses and keyboards just because they look cool. We bought this expensive things because we use macros and profiles to different games.
What’s the point of this, if we need to disable Razer Central Service ? Better find some cheap mouse…
And I’m using Avast since like...15 years, so I would prefer to keep it too...
i have this process disabled and my DPI & macro settings still work. (DPI tho needs extremely large time to change)
I noticed some lag in my games. noticed the same issue as this thread. uninstalled synapse and cortex and boom, problem gone….
sort your shit out, dear razer
But one thing that may be worth looking into is configuring exclusions in avast or similar products - that's the route we take in my work when simply removing antivirus isn't an option. Not sure if it would work here
I doubt that exclusions (or for that matter disabling certain protection options like ransomware and/ or system service protection) will help in the case of AVAST here, when disabling it (the option that other than pause doesn’t re-enable AVAST even after a reboot) didn’t resolve the issue. I guess that whatever mechanism/ background task AVAST (and probably AVG too) uses to hook themselves into the system to monitor suspicious activities interferes with other processes like RazerService even if inactive and only a complete removal seems to work.
Like whatever monitoring code they installed there interferes even if AVAST itself doesn’t actively use it.
But all of this is Wild Ass Guessing of mine only.
Let’s just hope that Razer will find a way around these issues for i’m not entirely convinced that AVAST or AVG or maybe some other AV solutions are overly motivated to cater for the community of Razer users, even though the AVAST forum seems to indicate that the most recent update brought issues with software/ system calls other than just RazorService…
btw: there’s another similar but slightly older thread to this one on this forum:
I have the same problem. I hope this problem is solved soon, because if not, I will replace the razer mouse and keyboard.