Synapse 3 for Mac | Razer Insider
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Hi all.

This post is to bring the attention of Razer's dev team and Razer's business strategic team to the need to update synapse at Version 3. I'm trying the new Mamba Elite and it's... absolute fantastic, better my old Mamba. I've tried it on my PC and on my Mac and Synapse 3 is necessary on both.

So, please, don't forget Mac community and make an update for Synapse: it's OK also a "light" version of drivers, without Chroma Lab, only for edit bottons on mouse and keyboard, macro and Chroma effects.


This will be nice to have a good present for xmas 🙂
To all the people in this thread problem with SYNAPSE 2 and 3... this is gonna be dificult because im spanish so sorry for my english.

I've made a super reaserch on this issue and i end up talking with a Razer support guy on the Chat page. The main issue coud be WINDOWS UPDATE. If it's not Updated with the last microsoft update version on the Microsoft page of Windows, it could be not Syncronizing because synapse 2 and 3 is a CLOUD base configuration.

My windows update got stucked in version 1607 four years ago at 0%.... the actual version is around 1900... Acording to RAZER the synapse 2 is working for a lot of users and will be going to be updated for a long time!
Is there any word on when they will eventually release Synapse 3 for Mac?
I am super disappointed with the fact that we as Mac users are treated as second class citizens. We have paid the same money for the products as everyone else, so we should expect the same care and quality as Windows users.

I have a DeathAdder mouse and the Kraken USB Headset and made a clean install of macOS Catalina last fall. I tried to install Synapse 2 as usual and it turned out that only my mouse would show up in the app, the headset is no longer showing as a device.

I can use it on macOS, but only with very limited and minimal settings. I have no option to configure it, the sound is therefore quite bad.

Whenever I install a macOS update, I also receive the error message that the Razer Audio Plugin is not compatible with macOS Catalina. I guess this is the reason for the headset to not work as expected. The below link shows the error message:

The advice I got from the support team was that I should downgrade to an older macOS version as Synapse 2 is not supported on macOS Catalina - well thanks a lot for that -.-

I will certainly not downgrade my overall user experience only because one company is lacking behind and treating its customers like shit.

I hope they will release Synapse 3 for Mac soon - otherwise they will loose a lot of loyal (Mac) customers, me included.
Couldn't agree more.

Lack of support is something that you would not expect from company as Razer.

They should support not only Windows, but Mac and Linux as well. Period.
I just received my Huntsman Elite keyboard and found out that currently there is no Razer software supporting Mac OS. In current climate, majority of PC devices and accessories will support both Windows and Mac.(by default), and I'm totally speechless that Razer being a renown premium PC accessories maker can leave out supporting Mac OS. What's going on, Razer ??
Maybe the best way for us would be to write feedback back to Razer (I have done that) and express our concerns about their lack of support for Mac OS. I doubt that they follow seriously all the posts here in forum.
PLEASE release a Mac version of Synapse 3!!! I cannot recommend your products to my filmmaking colleagues until there is a better solution for mac users!!!
Razer synapse 3 came out a long time ago, but a Mac version is yet to come out. I don't think that Razer cares about Mac users, but if they did they would definitely have a lot more customers, like Logitech.
If Razer is done with the Mac. I'm done with the Razer!

At least add information on the box like : This mouse doesn't work properly in Mac

I have Deathadder and i can't even set DPI on my mouse!

This is huge misleading and wasting people's time with this!

Very dissapointing!
I just found out (reading on some other forum) that you can also use this software to at least use Razer keyboard as a "mac" one.

But of course you can't use anything else (like controlling colours,...).
Razer cares about market share. Even their own product, if they don't sell as well as expected it will eventually be abandon.

I was a Mac user, I find it impossible to keep up with Apple. They release a new OS so often that it made my software investment incompatible with each in-between releases. I give up and move to Window 10 if though I hate Microsoft more.

I was a Mac user, I find it impossible to keep up with Apple. They release a new OS so often that it made my software investment incompatible with each in-between releases. I give up and move to Window 10 if though I hate Microsoft more.

I find that strange. With Catalina only 64-bit software works, before that you can run both. It sucks that some software will not work with Catalina, but to change OS just because of that?

Which software doesn't work for you (really curious)?
Its a combination of things that drove me off Macbook. I want to upgrade the HDD bought one OEM and replace it myself. A few weeks, I notice of HDD is slowing down like a malfunction. I run diagnostic and realize that my new HDD is about to fail. Did a search and realize that apple HDD has custom firmware. I need to buy one of those drives. So I put back my original Mac HDD, 128GB just too small.

I remember another incident, my parallel software that I bought not long ago to run Windows alongside macOS is incompatible with their new OS release. Just too much cash milking mechanism build into owning a Mac.

When my MacBook firmware can't be upgraded to support 64bit OS. I decided to say goodbye to Mac for good. At the end of the day, I have zero regrets and save a pile of money. Windows notebook are not glorious but they are dirt cheap and have a lower ownership cost in the long run.
Indeed, upgrading anything on a Mac is pain in the a** (unless you have a new Mac Pro).

What I still love about Mac is their MacOS. I know that a lot of people don't like it that much anymore since it is not as stable as it was back in the day. But every time I have to use Windows I remember those days when you would spend days to figure out that because of a driver system was crashing all the time. For me MacOS is much better in a lot of ways, so going back to Win... atm I don't think so.
I was a big Apple fan because of its premium creative design, when I first saw the MagSafe power adaptor I am floored and bought the Mac immediately. I also bought the first iPad.

Anyway, Apple has changed a lot under Tim Cook. He is a 100% corporate guy, sacrificing creativity in the name of profit margin.
Mate you totally lit my life for a reason to buy a Tartarus but now I have to wait for Razer to make some serious Synapse support for Mac (though I really appreciate the tip on ControllerMate + Synapse 1.87 just in case). Sorry Razer you oughta miss some more bucks here by now...

TBH, it runs fine without synapse on OSX Sierra. I set up my colour profile with synapse and then un-installed synapse and the effect stays. Then ControllerMate is doing everything else for me.
Hallo, I found this short Information here:

I think it describes all points in this thread and we all here should request Razer to take back all our last purchases from Razer with the Apple logo on their boxes....
I just got the Razer Blackwidow Elite for my birthday and I am very disappointed that there isn't Synapse 3 software for Mac. It looks like this has been an on going issue. Sucks that it hasn't been resolved yet. I was told at Best Buy that this keyboard would be compatible with my Mac, but he left out the part that I couldn't download the software for it. :frown_: Please create Synapse 3 for Mac soon, because Synapse 2 is not compatible with my new Blackwidow Elite.
I have 7 devices from Razer and bought them all only for my both MAC computers, because at all 7 original boxes is the info "Razer Synapse Requirements: Mac OS X 10.9 (or higher)". An upper limitation to Mojave 10.14 was NOT visible at all 7 boxes. So I think we all need to contact the Razer support "how is the procedure of returning goods and getting back all money"....
Oh wow.. can't believe this is not available on Mac. Just got Kraken Ultimate, and Synapse 3 is not available for Mac. Deeply disappointing as a long-time Razer fan.. ‍♂️
And please make Synapse work on all Razer Devices and separate Cortex from Synapse.
I managed to change settings of Razer keyboard that works on Mac 🙂 In Parallels I have updated Synapse and played a bit in Chrome Studio (which is nice) and changed some settings (like static color) and now color is the same also on Mac OS (before it would just changing all the colors all the time). At least something is possible to do with it 🙂
You mean Parallels like the virtual machine?
Yes, but on restart of MacOS it resets
Well that's not much of a fix then... We need something that works on MacOS. I find it ridiculous that users have been requesting this since 2018 and there still hasn't been a response from Razer. I just got my Goliathus desk mat and realized i cant change the lights, so disappointing :(

Has anyone found a workaround, one that doesn't involve virtual machines?