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- [UPDATE] Razer Blade 15 ft. Intel 9th Gen processor
[UPDATE] Razer Blade 15 ft. Intel 9th Gen processor
- January 7, 2019
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- 16 replies
The award-winning Razer Blade 15 takes a new leap forward. We’re harnessing the performance of the latest Intel 9th Gen processor—bringing you the next generation Ultra Fast. Ultra Small. Ultra Powerful.: http://rzr.to/blade
This update brings a new level of performance to the Razer Blade 15 featuring the new 9th Gen Intel Core i7 6 Core Processor—it also comes with the option of 20-series GPUs in a thin and light form factor. What’s more, the Razer Blade advanced features a brand-new 240Hz Full HD screen for pure gaming satisfaction.
Precision crafted with durable lightweight aluminum, the Razer Blade is still the world’s smallest 15.6’’ gaming laptop. What’s more, our advanced vapor chamber cooling system works to manage heat without sacrificing performance. It also comes equipped with a Windows Hello-capable IR camera for easy and secure logins via facial recognition. The new Razer Blade 15 Advanced Model also eliminateS any connectivity bottlenecks with USB speeds up to 10 Gbps and Wi-Fi speeds up to 2.4 Gbps.
The all-new Razer Blade 15 is available now: http://rzr.to/blade
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647 Replies
- 1 reply
- June 22, 2019
KallenoYes Me. According to razers support, synapse is having issues which will hopefully be fixed soon. Let’s see ...
The only thing I dont get is that the fans spins up as fuck when I'm starting the Razer synapse Software. When I'm closing the Synapse Software and all the Services, the fans getting quiet. Someone have this issue too?
- 18 replies
- June 23, 2019
bizCanarysight795Same! They look awesome AF <3
You guys are killing me. Just pulled the plug and ordered Blade 15 gtx1060 two days ago.
- 6 replies
- June 25, 2019
Hello guys. I am going to buy a RB15 soon. I do not know which option i am going for. Any sugestions?
It’s going to be connected to a Core x chroma 90% of the time, but i want good frames when i do travle.
The old GTX 1060 (base) is on sale fight now in Norway. But i am thinking i should go for the 2060 2019 base model. And ofc i do want the 2070 model for the times i am going to travle.
What is the main difference between base and andvance models. And which model do you think i should go for (price difference between 2060 and 2070 is around 400-500 usd)
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- Vanguard
- 1302 replies
- June 25, 2019
ThT86Depends on the workflow. Normal use or gaming?
Guys, what is the battery life of the oled machines?
- 6 replies
- June 25, 2019
MaximusisbackHey. I would say it’s going to be a good blend. I play a good bit some days and use it for YouTube etc in bed at night.
Depends on the workflow. Normal use or gaming?
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- 1 reply
- June 25, 2019
Hey guys. I’m new to PC gaming and the Razer line. When gaming, in a stock configuration, I’m getting cpu temps hovering max in the low 80’s on the cpu and never getting to 80C on the gpu. I’d like to undervolt and/or over clock the gpu/cpu. Is there any links for doing this for a newbie like me? Thanks in advance. I love the unit and I look forward to learning more about it.
Razer Blade 15 Advanced 240hz
Ninth Gen 9750 intel
RTX2080 model
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- Community Ranger
- 1955 replies
- June 25, 2019
SealthPrideCheck firstly with HWinfo64 sensor or HWmonitor if it’s factory undervolted. According notebookcheck HWinfo64 screenshot your model is on default already undervolted by -100mV. Take a look at IA voltage offset. (Source) If you want to try lower for first time maybe you can try Intel XTU for cpu undervolting, there’s a lot guide out there for doing it, other alternative apps is throttlestop, a bit complicated but more options and stable. However your temperature is actually already great for thin light gaming laptop.
Hey guys. I’m new to PC gaming and the Razer line. When gaming, in a stock configuration, I’m getting cpu temps hovering max in the low 80’s on the cpu and never getting to 80C on the gpu. I’d like to undervolt and/or over clock the gpu/cpu. Is there any links for doing this for a newbie like me? Thanks in advance. I love the unit and I look forward to learning more about it. Razer Blade 15 Advanced 240hz Ninth Gen 9750 intel RTX2080 model
Razer Blade 14 2021 QHD 165Hz | Ryzen 9 5900HX| RTX 3070 100W | 16GB DDR4 3200MHz | 1TB l Razer Blade 15 Advanced 2018 FHD 144Hz | i7-8750H | GTX 1070MQ | 16GB DDR4 2666MHz | 256 GB Corev2 | RTX 3070 Zotac Twin Edge OC | Razer Book 13 2020 FHD | i7-1165g7 | Intel Xe 96EU | 16GB LPDDR4X 4266MHz | 1Tb GB Razer Core V2 | RTX3070 | Zotac TwinOC Razer | Blade Stealth 13 2019 FHD | i7-1065g7 | GTX 1650MQ | 16GB LPDDR4 3744MHz | 512 GB | | Blade 14 2017 FHD | i7-7700HQ | GTX 1060 | 16GB DDR4 2400MHz | 512 GB | Razer Blade Stealth V2 2016 12,5 QHD | i7-7500U | HD620 | 8GB DDR3 1866MHz | 128 GB | | Blade 14 2015 IGZO QHD+ | i7–4720HQ | GT970M 3GB VRAM| 16GB DDR4 2400MHz | 256 GB | Razer Edge 2013 | i5-3317U | GT 640LE | 16GB DDR3 | 128 GB | Razer Phone 2| Razer Phone L33T Edition
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- 39 replies
- June 25, 2019
MaximusisbackMainly I am interested on normal use. On gaming I am not expecting much anyways, and that is ok. @Joikansai do you know what is the actual warranty for EU/Germany, is it 1 or 2 years because it is not clear. I saw you mention here that it is two years based on the response that you got from razer support in Hamburg. However my confusing comes from this thread /minimum-2-year-guarantee-in-europe.17573/page-2 where they discriminate the warranties to commercial guarantee and legal guarantee (/minimum-2-year-guarantee-in-europe.17573/page-2#post-293268) where the first one is 1 year and the second one 2 years. To be honest though I do not understand their difference and how it applies to a razer blade purchase in EU.
Depends on the workflow. Normal use or gaming?
- 3 replies
- June 27, 2019
Bought it last week. FPS went to crap (sub 30 for monster hunter world) unplugged. Dealing with support + reddit now but my 14 days window (refundable for manufacturing defects) is closing -
1. is it normal for RTX laptops to have FPS drop of this magnitude when unplugged, even with all settings (nvidia control panel, geforce experience, windows graphics setting) set to performance mode?
2. is it just B15 base throttling? what about the advance? Or what about other brand/models?
- Vanguard
- 1302 replies
- June 27, 2019
BoostFXIt's a CPU intensive game right?
I played Anno1800 for around an hour without drops on battery.
- Community Ranger
- 1955 replies
- June 27, 2019
1000.dummyMonster hunter was quite unoptimized title even plugged in I got frame drops on several areas. Blade performance self actually is better on battery than other manufactures I got like 22% performance drop on gaming benchmarks, timespy on 2018 1070mq Blade 15, heard from Alienware gaming laptop, m15 r1, it apparently dropped over 50% performance on battery. Here’s the Battery vs plugged performance difference, I forgot once to switch on power on wall socket and run shadow of war, didn’t notice it was on battery until low battery indicator popped in.
Bought it last week. FPS went to crap (sub 30 for monster hunter world) unplugged. Dealing with support + reddit now but my 14 days window (refundable for manufacturing defects) is closing - 1. is it normal for RTX laptops to have FPS drop of this magnitude when unplugged, even with all settings (nvidia control panel, geforce experience, windows graphics setting) set to performance mode? 2. is it just B15 base throttling? what about the advance? Or what about other brand/models?
Razer Blade 14 2021 QHD 165Hz | Ryzen 9 5900HX| RTX 3070 100W | 16GB DDR4 3200MHz | 1TB l Razer Blade 15 Advanced 2018 FHD 144Hz | i7-8750H | GTX 1070MQ | 16GB DDR4 2666MHz | 256 GB Corev2 | RTX 3070 Zotac Twin Edge OC | Razer Book 13 2020 FHD | i7-1165g7 | Intel Xe 96EU | 16GB LPDDR4X 4266MHz | 1Tb GB Razer Core V2 | RTX3070 | Zotac TwinOC Razer | Blade Stealth 13 2019 FHD | i7-1065g7 | GTX 1650MQ | 16GB LPDDR4 3744MHz | 512 GB | | Blade 14 2017 FHD | i7-7700HQ | GTX 1060 | 16GB DDR4 2400MHz | 512 GB | Razer Blade Stealth V2 2016 12,5 QHD | i7-7500U | HD620 | 8GB DDR3 1866MHz | 128 GB | | Blade 14 2015 IGZO QHD+ | i7–4720HQ | GT970M 3GB VRAM| 16GB DDR4 2400MHz | 256 GB | Razer Edge 2013 | i5-3317U | GT 640LE | 16GB DDR3 | 128 GB | Razer Phone 2| Razer Phone L33T Edition
- 39 replies
- June 28, 2019
are there any review videos based on the OLED version? I want to pull the trigger for getting one, but I would prefer to see a review first :-p
- Community Ranger
- 1955 replies
- June 28, 2019
ThT86Not professional review but here’s 4K lcd Blade 15 vs 4K Oled Blade 15 as expected more black and crispy.
are there any review videos based on the OLED version? I want to pull the trigger for getting one, but I would prefer to see a review first 😜
Razer Blade 14 2021 QHD 165Hz | Ryzen 9 5900HX| RTX 3070 100W | 16GB DDR4 3200MHz | 1TB l Razer Blade 15 Advanced 2018 FHD 144Hz | i7-8750H | GTX 1070MQ | 16GB DDR4 2666MHz | 256 GB Corev2 | RTX 3070 Zotac Twin Edge OC | Razer Book 13 2020 FHD | i7-1165g7 | Intel Xe 96EU | 16GB LPDDR4X 4266MHz | 1Tb GB Razer Core V2 | RTX3070 | Zotac TwinOC Razer | Blade Stealth 13 2019 FHD | i7-1065g7 | GTX 1650MQ | 16GB LPDDR4 3744MHz | 512 GB | | Blade 14 2017 FHD | i7-7700HQ | GTX 1060 | 16GB DDR4 2400MHz | 512 GB | Razer Blade Stealth V2 2016 12,5 QHD | i7-7500U | HD620 | 8GB DDR3 1866MHz | 128 GB | | Blade 14 2015 IGZO QHD+ | i7–4720HQ | GT970M 3GB VRAM| 16GB DDR4 2400MHz | 256 GB | Razer Edge 2013 | i5-3317U | GT 640LE | 16GB DDR3 | 128 GB | Razer Phone 2| Razer Phone L33T Edition
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- 1 reply
- June 29, 2019
The award-winning Razer Blade 15 takes a new leap forward. We’re harnessing the performance of the latest Intel 9th Gen processor—bringing you the next generation Ultra Fast. Ultra Small. Ultra Powerful.: http://rzr.to/bladehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MchiaVIABo This update brings a new level of performance to the Razer Blade 15 featuring the new 9th Gen Intel Core i7 6 Core Processor—it also comes with the option of 20-series GPUs in a thin and light form factor. What’s more, the Razer Blade advanced features a brand-new 240Hz Full HD screen for pure gaming satisfaction. Precision crafted with durable lightweight aluminum, the Razer Blade is still the world’s smallest 15.6’’ gaming laptop. What’s more, our advanced vapor chamber cooling system works to manage heat without sacrificing performance. It also comes equipped with a Windows Hello-capable IR camera for easy and secure logins via facial recognition. The new Razer Blade 15 Advanced Model also eliminateS any connectivity bottlenecks with USB speeds up to 10 Gbps and Wi-Fi speeds up to 2.4 Gbps. The all-new Razer Blade 15 is available now: http://rzr.to/blade
- Community Ranger
- 1955 replies
- June 29, 2019
ThT86Dave2d just made Oled Blade review.
are there any review videos based on the OLED version? I want to pull the trigger for getting one, but I would prefer to see a review first 😜
Razer Blade 14 2021 QHD 165Hz | Ryzen 9 5900HX| RTX 3070 100W | 16GB DDR4 3200MHz | 1TB l Razer Blade 15 Advanced 2018 FHD 144Hz | i7-8750H | GTX 1070MQ | 16GB DDR4 2666MHz | 256 GB Corev2 | RTX 3070 Zotac Twin Edge OC | Razer Book 13 2020 FHD | i7-1165g7 | Intel Xe 96EU | 16GB LPDDR4X 4266MHz | 1Tb GB Razer Core V2 | RTX3070 | Zotac TwinOC Razer | Blade Stealth 13 2019 FHD | i7-1065g7 | GTX 1650MQ | 16GB LPDDR4 3744MHz | 512 GB | | Blade 14 2017 FHD | i7-7700HQ | GTX 1060 | 16GB DDR4 2400MHz | 512 GB | Razer Blade Stealth V2 2016 12,5 QHD | i7-7500U | HD620 | 8GB DDR3 1866MHz | 128 GB | | Blade 14 2015 IGZO QHD+ | i7–4720HQ | GT970M 3GB VRAM| 16GB DDR4 2400MHz | 256 GB | Razer Edge 2013 | i5-3317U | GT 640LE | 16GB DDR3 | 128 GB | Razer Phone 2| Razer Phone L33T Edition
- 1 reply
- July 2, 2019
Looks very cool :) and also i didn't have gaming laptop soo i don't know... but looks very cool...
also i need itttt!!!
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- Community Ranger
- 1955 replies
- July 2, 2019
Patryk22443Blade is like japanese food eyes eat first:big_grin_: volume not important, you know the taste you’ll be satisfied:smile_:
Looks very cool :) and also i didn't have gaming laptop soo i don't know... but looks very cool... also i need itttt!!!
Razer Blade 14 2021 QHD 165Hz | Ryzen 9 5900HX| RTX 3070 100W | 16GB DDR4 3200MHz | 1TB l Razer Blade 15 Advanced 2018 FHD 144Hz | i7-8750H | GTX 1070MQ | 16GB DDR4 2666MHz | 256 GB Corev2 | RTX 3070 Zotac Twin Edge OC | Razer Book 13 2020 FHD | i7-1165g7 | Intel Xe 96EU | 16GB LPDDR4X 4266MHz | 1Tb GB Razer Core V2 | RTX3070 | Zotac TwinOC Razer | Blade Stealth 13 2019 FHD | i7-1065g7 | GTX 1650MQ | 16GB LPDDR4 3744MHz | 512 GB | | Blade 14 2017 FHD | i7-7700HQ | GTX 1060 | 16GB DDR4 2400MHz | 512 GB | Razer Blade Stealth V2 2016 12,5 QHD | i7-7500U | HD620 | 8GB DDR3 1866MHz | 128 GB | | Blade 14 2015 IGZO QHD+ | i7–4720HQ | GT970M 3GB VRAM| 16GB DDR4 2400MHz | 256 GB | Razer Edge 2013 | i5-3317U | GT 640LE | 16GB DDR3 | 128 GB | Razer Phone 2| Razer Phone L33T Edition
- 1 reply
- July 4, 2019
Razer.WolfPackIs good but i prefer a standar pc:)
The award-winning Razer Blade 15 takes a new leap forward. We’re harnessing the performance of the latest Intel 9th Gen processor—bringing you the next generation Ultra Fast. Ultra Small. Ultra Powerful.: http://rzr.to/bladehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MchiaVIABo This update brings a new level of performance to the Razer Blade 15 featuring the new 9th Gen Intel Core i7 6 Core Processor—it also comes with the option of 20-series GPUs in a thin and light form factor. What’s more, the Razer Blade advanced features a brand-new 240Hz Full HD screen for pure gaming satisfaction. Precision crafted with durable lightweight aluminum, the Razer Blade is still the world’s smallest 15.6’’ gaming laptop. What’s more, our advanced vapor chamber cooling system works to manage heat without sacrificing performance. It also comes equipped with a Windows Hello-capable IR camera for easy and secure logins via facial recognition. The new Razer Blade 15 Advanced Model also eliminateS any connectivity bottlenecks with USB speeds up to 10 Gbps and Wi-Fi speeds up to 2.4 Gbps. The all-new Razer Blade 15 is available now: http://rzr.to/blade
- 1 reply
- July 7, 2019
For the Razer Blade Lineup, why don't you offer a hybrid for Base Model and Advance Model?
Base Model:
- Cons: Capped with hardware performance upgrades (144hz cap; RTZ 2060 cap), 65W battery
- Pros: Ethernet port, Extra Sata storage
- Basically reverse of Base model.
The award-winning Razer Blade 15 takes a new leap forward. We’re harnessing the performance of the latest Intel 9th Gen processor—bringing you the next generation Ultra Fast. Ultra Small. Ultra Powerful.: http://rzr.to/bladehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MchiaVIABo This update brings a new level of performance to the Razer Blade 15 featuring the new 9th Gen Intel Core i7 6 Core Processor—it also comes with the option of 20-series GPUs in a thin and light form factor. What’s more, the Razer Blade advanced features a brand-new 240Hz Full HD screen for pure gaming satisfaction. Precision crafted with durable lightweight aluminum, the Razer Blade is still the world’s smallest 15.6’’ gaming laptop. What’s more, our advanced vapor chamber cooling system works to manage heat without sacrificing performance. It also comes equipped with a Windows Hello-capable IR camera for easy and secure logins via facial recognition. The new Razer Blade 15 Advanced Model also eliminateS any connectivity bottlenecks with USB speeds up to 10 Gbps and Wi-Fi speeds up to 2.4 Gbps. The all-new Razer Blade 15 is available now: http://rzr.to/blade
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- 1 reply
- July 8, 2019
Razer.WolfPackCan't wait for it :D
The award-winning Razer Blade 15 takes a new leap forward. We’re harnessing the performance of the latest Intel 9th Gen processor—bringing you the next generation Ultra Fast. Ultra Small. Ultra Powerful.: http://rzr.to/bladehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MchiaVIABo This update brings a new level of performance to the Razer Blade 15 featuring the new 9th Gen Intel Core i7 6 Core Processor—it also comes with the option of 20-series GPUs in a thin and light form factor. What’s more, the Razer Blade advanced features a brand-new 240Hz Full HD screen for pure gaming satisfaction. Precision crafted with durable lightweight aluminum, the Razer Blade is still the world’s smallest 15.6’’ gaming laptop. What’s more, our advanced vapor chamber cooling system works to manage heat without sacrificing performance. It also comes equipped with a Windows Hello-capable IR camera for easy and secure logins via facial recognition. The new Razer Blade 15 Advanced Model also eliminateS any connectivity bottlenecks with USB speeds up to 10 Gbps and Wi-Fi speeds up to 2.4 Gbps. The all-new Razer Blade 15 is available now: http://rzr.to/blade
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- Vanguard
- 1302 replies
- July 8, 2019
JoikansaiThis man is an absolute savage. Remebember when he put his MacBook Pro 2018 in his freezer to keep it from thermal throttling?
Dave2d just made Oled Blade review.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMib1nMCdfc
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- Community Ranger
- 1955 replies
- July 9, 2019
cuberootgGood idea, but this variation getting better and better, on first Blade launch was only two options 1060mq and 1070mq with 4K model came later and before even only display options on 14 model, so they’re on the right way.
For the Razer Blade Lineup, why don't you offer a hybrid for Base Model and Advance Model? Base Model:Advance model:
- Cons: Capped with hardware performance upgrades (144hz cap; RTZ 2060 cap), 65W battery
- Pros: Ethernet port, Extra Sata storage
I would suggest to offer either a Hybrid where both Pros of Base & Advance are combined into one laptop or I suggest make the division based from "Slimness" or "Thickness" and upgrades applicable to both. This way all consumers are happy to choose what they like. Sure you have it on the Razer Blade 17 but its too big for consumers like me. The new Razer Blade 15 is perfect size and portability plus I have to give credit with its new sexy look. But please offer the base model(dual storage) for higher upgrades similar to how Apple or Alienware does it. You should allow customers to upgrade whatever they want and they will pay more - its a win-win for both parties, imo. FYI, I had the 2018 Base Model 128gb SSD/1TB HDD, GTX 1060 MaxQ, 60 hz and recently upgraded to the 2019 Base Model 512GB SSD/Extra HDD option, RTX 2060, 144hz. Along with other Razer peripherals including the Razer Core X Chrome - so I'm really a fan! I just hope this gets addressed for fans like myself. I would have spec'd out this base model for 240hz, RTX 2080 MaxQ if you guys just offered it, honestly! See screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/8x0f9EG https://imgur.com/a/ckz1mSZ
- Basically reverse of Base model.
MaximusisbackBecause they make it more powerful on way thinner cassis, that 2018 i9 performance was a bit weaker than Blade 15 i7 8750, 8850H model was clearly weaker so he tried to [S]cool[/S] make a fun by putting inside refrigerator. i9 or 8850H on 2018 model MBP was pointless, on 2019 Model it is getting better but still isn’t the performance it should be.
This man is an absolute savage. Remebember when he put his MacBook Pro 2018 in his freezer to keep it from thermal throttling?
Razer Blade 14 2021 QHD 165Hz | Ryzen 9 5900HX| RTX 3070 100W | 16GB DDR4 3200MHz | 1TB l Razer Blade 15 Advanced 2018 FHD 144Hz | i7-8750H | GTX 1070MQ | 16GB DDR4 2666MHz | 256 GB Corev2 | RTX 3070 Zotac Twin Edge OC | Razer Book 13 2020 FHD | i7-1165g7 | Intel Xe 96EU | 16GB LPDDR4X 4266MHz | 1Tb GB Razer Core V2 | RTX3070 | Zotac TwinOC Razer | Blade Stealth 13 2019 FHD | i7-1065g7 | GTX 1650MQ | 16GB LPDDR4 3744MHz | 512 GB | | Blade 14 2017 FHD | i7-7700HQ | GTX 1060 | 16GB DDR4 2400MHz | 512 GB | Razer Blade Stealth V2 2016 12,5 QHD | i7-7500U | HD620 | 8GB DDR3 1866MHz | 128 GB | | Blade 14 2015 IGZO QHD+ | i7–4720HQ | GT970M 3GB VRAM| 16GB DDR4 2400MHz | 256 GB | Razer Edge 2013 | i5-3317U | GT 640LE | 16GB DDR3 | 128 GB | Razer Phone 2| Razer Phone L33T Edition
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