I would definitely prefer to know in advance about a new Razer 💚 product that will be released.
No need to ask, all, if not most of us will be more excited as to what Razer is going to offer next. Albeit its quite difficult now financially due to the pandemic. I make do with what I can get.
Prefer to hear more of what next for Razer! I have high respect for Razer products even though I have some that broke down, still, they've lasted me a while.
I would prefer to know about the products ahead of time. This can be helpful when planning a purchase. If you buy something and then a new hotness comes out a week later when if it was announced I would have waited. Quality is always worth waiting for.
For me it's either way. It's nice to have a suprise release and like what others says that it's good to have it announce in advance specially for big purchases.
sharing product release in an advance. sure~!
I like the idea of a shadow drop for some things. For instance.. If Sony shadow dropped a new PS Vita successor, that'd be the dopest thing ever. haha! Sometimes it's nice to know if something big is coming so you can save up or prepare yourself. Other times, it's nice to get a little surprise out of nowhere.
just a bit sneak peak of the new product will get the fans hype hopefully its not a flop
I would prefer to know in advance that a new Razer product is going to be released.
It is not surprising that we had a lot of shadow products that dropped in previous, such as Ultimate Racing Simulator, Project Linda, Project Valerie, and Project Ariana which could be found in Razer official webpage.
I think most of us would like to have an actual product that could available for consumers.
Vote for to know in advance that a new Razer product is going to be released as well.
Most of us were saving money to buy an awesome Razer product, while some of us would find that there is a new released product just launched (E.g. Razer Naga Pro launched after you just brought the Razer Naga Trinity)
For conceptually, it is easy to say some new fancy features for a product that is not launched. But we could not own that good stuff.
Therefore, it is much better than we could buy a product in nearly future rather than acknowledged conceptually.
Announce them in advance, please.
I like hype and leaks
It creates a sense of "oh man I cant wait for that product to release!"
Side note: You had a Virtual Boy?! dang, you're hardcore! (I'm a fanboy too, but you got me beat)
Shadow dropped products has the surprise factor which i really like. It will be like a WOW moment.
I would definitely prefer to know in advance about a new Razer 💚 product that will be released. 
+1.i can easily predict a few products but I'd like a head up too,we are insiders afterall
In advance, so I can adjust my next few months towards less spending and more saving money for it if i like the product.
it really depends on who's at the receiving end of such new. lol
like you said, not so nice for those supporting the announced devices.
also, it depends on the price of the item/game released.
some may need to plan their expenses for big-ticket items.
We always know in advance if we follow Razer posts on social medias, they're full of teasers and they like it so.
We always know in advance if we follow Razer posts on social medias, they're full of teasers and they like it so.
Exactly, but maybe for vvvery special product ehemm New Razer Blade ehemm it would be cool to see a shadow announcement
As far as I love surprises, an announcement about the upcoming of new products is preferable.
This allows to set a better budget for a future purchase.
And avoid seing a replacement product for the one we bought a few days ago.
Hello friends,
I prefer to be warned well in advance.
This allows me to put the money aside, to do a comparison, to give an opinion on the next marketing of a product. ^ _ ^
I would prefer to know in advance.
I still remember that i missed the 1337 quartz bottle which was very very very limited edition
For me it's simple. I don't follow Razer news on social media as I only use this phenomenal forum for all my Razer news and updates. So surprise me away!
When a new product is about to launch I'll learn it here first. That's why the place is called insider.
Announcing new products in advance is really great if you're about to buy something, but you find that something similar and/or an updated version will be launching soon, so you can choose to wait for the launch. Also, announcing it early would give you time to think about it, so I can see how a sudden launch can cause impulse buying - good for business, not for consumer's wallets :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye_:
Popping up with a new product is a really nice surprise, especially when it's a product I need but knowing ahead of time helps save up so I could get it on release day.