[CORTEX] Squad Rewards Season 10 | Razer Insider

[CORTEX] Squad Rewards Season 10

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53 Replies

Userlevel 7
Looking for a squad which aims high (1-4th~ places). Throw an invite in PM! Thanks
great i love that
Userlevel 7
Squad Ready!
Userlevel 7
25k+ Silvers inc soon again (I hope)! Gl everyone!
Userlevel 6
join if you wana earn some silver
you need to have full 4h/ day time
we have discord
Userlevel 6
Trying to join but don't get to join or even make up a team , plz tell me how
Userlevel 7
here we go again
Userlevel 6
new seson new money :D
if you wana join we pick reward from 80-140 h pool
discord https://discord.gg/NMUJscVh
get your squad ready !

كيف احصل على فريق

كيف احصل على فريق

Hi! I am participating for the first time and I have a question: is daily reset time global? In my Rewards tab on Razer Cortex it says daily reset is at 9am local time, but I am confused if it means that the global reset time is 9am in my local time or if everyone gets reset at 9 am their local time...
على ماعتقد كل حسب البلد الذي يسكن في لان هناك فعاليات لاتشكل كل البلدان
Userlevel 7
good luck everyone
Userlevel 6
I brought this up last year with my friends from a Discord group we were all in, and we had to cancel because the others had plans that kept them from being able to commit the time needed (adulthood, amirite?).

When it popped up on Insider here this time, I brought it up to my new friends on a new Discord group, and to my surprise, they were ALL hyped up for it, even though they're not huge Razer fans like I was. I started a squad, and we all put in our hours consistently, even with one of our members being from a different country!

I'm extremely glad we were all able to commit to it, because we took the competition all the way and got a grand prize! Shoutouts to my squad mates, they're really awesome people, and we had a ton of fun playing games together. Shoutouts to all of the others that participated, too, you guys did awesome!

Toad Gaming

Userlevel 7
Good luck to all!
Ok lets play
Userlevel 7
Not a chance to win anyway
Userlevel 5
Hi! I am participating for the first time and I have a question: is daily reset time global? In my Rewards tab on Razer Cortex it says daily reset is at 9am local time, but I am confused if it means that the global reset time is 9am in my local time or if everyone gets reset at 9 am their local time...

Hey there!

Thank you for sharing your concern with us here. The daily reset time is global at 0000(12 am) GMT/UTC. For more inquiries, please visit our FAQ page.

I'm play in PUBG mobile
Userlevel 7
lone wolf here so no chance of this, but good luck to all the squadsters out there! you got this
Userlevel 7
that amount is a lumpsum....
Userlevel 7
I'm in!
Userlevel 7
Sign up, but not teammate
Userlevel 7
Trying to join but don't get to join or even make up a team , plz tell me how

Try looking for a team on the Official Razer Discord Server! To join a team just click the link they send you.