Razer Kraken Ultimate - THX Spatial audio no longer working | Razer Insider
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Razer Kraken Ultimate - THX Spatial audio no longer working

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  • 0 replies
  • November 12, 2023
I have the same problem as you and the Razer team is asking me for information and I've now gotten into the technical side of things. Let's see if you can solve the problem.Sorry for my bad English, I used Google translategreetings giGa

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  • 54 replies
  • November 12, 2023
giGa977 wrote:
I have the same problem as you and the Razer team is asking me for information and I've now gotten into the technical side of things. Let's see if you can solve the problem.Sorry for my bad English, I used Google translategreetings giGa

I also use Google Translate, don't worry, but if the problem comes from the sypnase update, the worst thing is that we've had this problem for many days and without Razer talking about it at all

  • 0 replies
  • November 12, 2023
OK,I've also had the problem since updating Synapse. 1 day later I got a feedback window where I expressed my displeasure. Since then I have been in regular contact with Razer Support. Starting from repairing, re-instalation, sending log files, screenshot, error information, system information such as operating system version build, etc. the last thing they wanted was the serial number and model number of my headset "Kraken Ultimate" let's see what comes next. greetings giGa

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  • 3 replies
  • November 12, 2023

Not just you Kraken lads, us Sharks lost THX as well.

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  • November 12, 2023

Same here How to Fix IT, the THX led is not working, also the sound is bad, please PLEASE RAZER, ROLLBACK THE UPDATE! I WANT THE OLDER VERSION OF THE SOFTWARE!

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  • 54 replies
  • November 12, 2023
cpuuk wrote:

Not just you Kraken lads, us Sharks lost THX as well.

I think that all the headphones that have this technology have failed because I am in more threads of people with different models and they all fail and I read the same thing over and over again but what really seems bad to me is that Razer seems to do everything; Someone from support looking at the number of threads with the same topic both here and on reddit and no one says anything? It's a bit strange... and then the fix I think will not be something so difficult that they will revert the update from there to the previous version until they polish this and it works perfectly... it seems to waste people's time... I use while thx spacial audio which has a 15 day trial and that's how it works for me but after those 15 days I do see that This remains the same, I will have to switch to another brand... it's not that I'm very excited because I was happy with these headphones but I paid for 7.1 headphones with thx not for stereo headphones

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  • 16 replies
  • November 13, 2023

I can actually hear a SLIGHT difference between stereo and THX spatial ESPECIALLY at the end of the demo when the THX lights up.


It is better than the stereo option , but the THX spatial is NO WHERE near as good sound quality or positioning , and theres no more custom positioning either.


Using Kraken v3 hypersene

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  • 3 replies
  • November 14, 2023

I even formatted the computer, but it still didn't work, the THX activation indicator light on my Razer Kraken Ultimate doesn't light up when the function button is pressed and the THX channel disappeared from the channel list on the sound controller

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  • 54 replies
  • November 14, 2023


"We're aware of the THX Spatial Audio issues post-Synapse update and sincerely apologize for any frustration and inconvenience caused. Rest assured; we are working on a fix that will start rolling by Nov 16th PST. We're committed to resolving this and upholding the high-quality experience you expect from Razer. We will provide regular updates on our progress on this post until this issue is fully resolved.

We are reevaluating our software update processes in the meantime. Your patience is appreciated as we work to restore your continued trust in Razer."

I don't understand how it can take so long to fix this problem, it's very frustrating, would it be so difficult to delete the updates and go back to the one we had and it worked well? I also haven't understood for a long time why this software has so many updates, if something works well, why touch it...

Razer Support has posted the following on [Razer] Update and Next Steps on THX Spatial Audio Issue Following Synapse Update | Razer Insider, “We're aware of the THX Spatial Audio issues post-Synapse update and sincerely apologize for any frustration and inconvenience caused. Rest assured; we are working on a fix that will start rolling by Nov 16th PST. We're committed to resolving this and upholding the high-quality experience you expect from Razer. We will provide regular updates on our progress on this post until this issue is fully resolved. 

We are reevaluating our software update processes in the meanwhile. Your patience is appreciated as we work to restore your continued trust in Razer.”

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  • 1 reply
  • November 14, 2023

Same issue. Kraken Tournament edition. My light is on but the option for THX Spatial (Synapse) is gone and I’m left with just “chat” and “game”. I can press the button and hear a difference but it is NOT the same as before I restarted my PC 26 hrs ago.

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  • 3 replies
  • November 15, 2023

I bought the THX update for my 7.1 surround software, which came with my Kraken X, before. Later, I purchased the Razer USB Audio Controller and was happy until they released this update. Now, I found the key for THX and installed it. It's working as before, but now it's operating on the 'Game' channel. I will just wait for the fixing update.

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  • 11 replies
  • November 16, 2023

a new update that they updated today solved my problem with the light not turning on on the sound card, now my headphone has normalized sound

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  • 11 replies
  • November 16, 2023

Now I'm satisfied ❤❤❤❤


babalu22333 wrote:

Now I'm satisfied ❤❤❤❤


What are you happy with? There is almost no difference between “stereo” and “surround sound”. Buttons: bass, sound normalization and speech clarity do not work.

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  • 11 replies
  • November 16, 2023
insightTeaRosedirect249 wrote:
babalu22333 wrote:

Agora estou satisfeito ❤❤❤❤


Com o que você está feliz? Quase não há diferença entre "som estéreo" e "som surround". Botões: graves, normalização de som e clareza de fala não funcionam.

Mine worked again with this patch, but it was mentioned that there will be more updates solving more problems for me. It's working, since they removed the thx function when choosing my sound as it was before

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  • November 16, 2023

after this update, the headphones stopped working altogether (more specifically, an indicator appeared, but when you press the button there is no switching ((but the main problem is that when you switch to headphones, the sound disappears, when you turn on video or audio, it just freezes and that’s it I tried reconnecting, reinstalling the program,
but the result is the same, it doesn’t work! does anyone know how to solve?

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  • 3 replies
  • November 16, 2023

In Windows Sound Settings, ‘configure speakers’ since updating only now offers MONO or STEREO as available audio channels. The 7.1 option has disappeared… 

So it’s no surprise Stereo/THX are identical for me.

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  • 3 replies
  • November 16, 2023

I also had no sound until I went to Device manager in Windows and re-enabled a couple disabled sound, video and game controllers.. 


Check this update hasn’t disabled anything. Shortcut in Windows 11 is Right Clicking the Start button → Device Manager

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  • 3 replies
  • November 16, 2023

Already tried(((to no avail(((


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  • November 16, 2023

It’s not even that there is no sound, it doesn’t even play at all

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  • 3 replies
  • November 16, 2023

It’s not same like before. Light indicator is working but no effects.  Will install back  THX Spatial software. Razer, what are you thinking, when making that?

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  • 1 reply
  • November 16, 2023

Kraken Ultimate = To properly use the Equalizer in Synapse I had to use the Enhancements provided by Microsoft instead of THX SFX APO (in case someone’s EQ in synapse is not working) I have no idea if this is intended but it feels off that you have to use a “Generic USB Audio” provider as Audio Enhancement.



Now, it sounds awful like that, but since you can now adjust the Equalizer, you are able to tweak it. However, I am not sure if this is a good as it used to be before the update.
I am also going to share my settings so far (I mainly play racing games and use the PC for media, music, etc… So probably not perfect at all) that seems to be decent, at least for my taste.


31hz = +3
63hz = +2
125hz = +0
250hz = +6
500hz = -4
1khz = -2
2khz = +1
4khz = +2
8khz = +4
16khz = +0
Sound Nomalization on 20%

I would love to have clarifcation about the Enhancement Audio provider, if it is intended or if there is a problem about the THX SFX APO that you were supposed to have before the update, when you selected Synapse THX as default speaker.

Mine got better after today’s update (Nov. 16th, 2023), but if I sellect “Razer Audio Controller - Game” there is no sound. I have to sellect “Raze Audio Controller - Chat”.

I am using Kraken Tournament Edition.

Alex_Zuotoski wrote:

Mine got better after today’s update (Nov. 16th, 2023), but if I sellect “Razer Audio Controller - Game” there is no sound. I have to sellect “Raze Audio Controller - Chat”.

I am using Kraken Tournament Edition.

Never mind, the volume knob was in 0. Now I can hear the difference and the sound is good.


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