Ryder Synapse 3 40 to 100% CPU usage WMI Provider Host | Razer Insider

Ryder Synapse 3 40 to 100% CPU usage WMI Provider Host

  • 22 December 2022
  • 95 replies

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Hi everyone,
it seems we are all on the same boat, from the latest synapse 3 update I see Razer Central Service constantly hogging 15/20% of my cpu constantly. Even if I kill the process it comes back on after few seconds.
I hope a solution or update is on its way

I think i found a little solution:

 Disable WMI Service does not work, ok. Disable Razer Game Manager Service doesn’t work too.


But if you open Resource Monitor (Run → resmon.exe) you can SUSPEND the WMI Provider Host (WmiPrvSE.exe). And finally, CPU rest in peace :)


It’s a little patch that you can do before open a game. 

Event Log - WMI Activity Logs:

Razer Synapse 3.exe

Event ID 5858 and 0x80041032 critical error codes being generated

Id = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}; ClientMachine = P2; User = NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM; ClientProcessId = 8592; Component = Unknown; Operation = Start IWbemServices::ExecQuery - root\\cimv2 : SELECT ProcessId, ExecutablePath, CommandLine, Name FROM Win32_Process WHERE ProcessId=1704; ResultCode = 0x80041032; PossibleCause = Unknown

Cause and possible solution for Razer below from Microsoft Article below:

Im having exactly this problem. Restarting WMI does stop it, but I also use Alienware Thermal controls which I don't seem to get working again after the restart of WMI.

Rollback or update, but please get this fixed.
once you close synapse - wmi provider goes to 0% load basically.
Can anyone tell me if the hyper polling remains active when synapse is closed?

a year later, no fix. A YEAR. what is going on?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Hi, I'm also having the same issue! @Razer support, can someone look further in to this issue? Had to go back to SignalRGB...
Posted on other live thread re: WMI issue

Massive issue for me as causes unacceptable battery drain on my laptop while I'm mobile.

(Unfortunately not the first time a Windows update and/or Synapse update has caused runaway Synapse CPU use!)

Temp fix is obviously to uninstall Synapse - kills lighting, sound etc. though!

If like me you need the lighting to see your keyboard caps there is a work around however:
Search for OpenRGB on gitlab (Author is Adam House) - will let you control your backlight to enough of a degree as to be useable. (May work for other peripherals, but I haven't tested).
So after some digging arround, i found a log reporting tool for razer.
this created: Razer Synapse 3.log which contains 3786 entries of:
"StatusCode: 500, ReasonPhrase: 'Internal Server Error'"

so its fairly easy to pinpoint whats going on - obviously the synapse is requesting something that is not available.

pw: razer

im suspecting that the dev machine they run this on have IIS installed with ASP.net options that are not available to the general windows installation.
Any alternative software for programing the razer keypads?
Userlevel 2
Maybe we need to raise a support ticket on this issue. This forum may not be monitored by Razer support team.

Userlevel 3
Maybe we need to raise a support ticket on this issue. This forum may not be monitored by Razer support team.


this topic cannot be ignored. because that would not make sense to exist the forum razer insider.
even more so far several people have committed to reporting the problem. do you find it useless or do you want direct answer from them?
Userlevel 2
Can Razer support please confirm this thread is monitored?

Can Razer support please respond whether you are looking at this topic at all?

If you don’t want to have any problem, consider suspend wmi process after open the game. Some process like steam needs to have this service active.

Also experiencing this issue. Restarting WMI service does act as a workaround, but I ran into another issue while troubleshooting this.

I completely reinstalled Synapse, and now my "Razer Central Service" is stuck using 30%+ of my cpu, and not allowing the cpu to throttle. I've reinstalled and repaired multiple times, and just did a clean reinstall following the clean uninstall guide and the issue is still there.

Basically the software is unusable for me.

I moved away from logitech last year to get away from their frustrating software issues and I'm on the verge of tossing this mouse in the garbage and going back. Incredibly frustrating software and this isn't the first time I've had to do the repair/reinstall dance with Synapse.

Noticed that on page  https://mysupport.razer.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3783 the version for the installer is supposed to be V1.11.0.379  ( Updated 22-Feb-2023 | Article ID: 3783 )…

but the version that gets downloaded is V1.12.0.385 (currently under discussion) (the download page has no date of information update). https://www.razer.com/synapse-3?_ga=2.206752208.2105337967.1677485291-684576232.1677485291

Anyone who knows whats supposed to be the “change” from to ?

Userlevel 2

I tried but cannot find any release notes.

Even if you use the older installer, during installation, you will immediately get upgraded to V1.12.0.385/






Userlevel 2

Same here, I haven’t found any release notes at all. Usually you can deduce some “inspiration” on what might have changed and might have caused our WMI-CPU load problems.

Yes, but the bottom line is… if the website can’t keep pages correct and version updated even after a week, then overall quality of “work” is lacking something.

Sidenote: Early days (1997) of the Visual Studio suite, my company was checking to see if it was ok for production use. Still remember the sinking feeling when the splash screen for program came up at startup and there was spelling errors in it… not a good start…

There is an option to turn off Razer start up splash screen.

Same here, I haven’t found any release notes at all. Usually you can deduce some “inspiration” on what might have changed and might have caused our WMI-CPU load problems.

Yes, but the bottom line is… if the website can’t keep pages correct and version updated even after a week, then overall quality of “work” is lacking something.

Sidenote: Early days (1997) of the Visual Studio suite, my company was checking to see if it was ok for production use. Still remember the sinking feeling when the splash screen for program came up at startup and there was spelling errors in it… not a good start…

There is an option to turn off Razer start up splash screen.

Read the sidenote carefully… it was not the splash screen as such… it was that it contained errors and thus implies that the coding might also include errors in Visual Studio 97...

Userlevel 2

Sharing my support ticket update on this issue, I received below response on my support ticket.


Hi Ivan,

As of the moment, no ETA was provided yet. Please be advised that the logs that we are asking previously are the necessary information that we needed for the investigation. Need not worry, as mentioned, we respect your decision not to provide those details. 

You may try checking for Synapse updates in case an update will be released to fix the issue. 

How to manually check for updates on Razer Synapse 3

Thank you for choosing Razer.


Razer L2 Support

Good news guys.. Seems the issue has been resolved. I didn’t do anything (I guess is auto update?) and the CPU high usage is gone.. Sharing my support update on this issue and the working version of Synapse (3.8.0228.022313).

Hello, Andy,

Good day! 

Thank you for keeping us updated with your Razer concerns,

Good news, we are delighted to inform you that the latest version of Synapse, 3.8.0228.022313, fixes the issue with CPU consumption issue for Razer Synapse 3. 

Let us know if that resolves the issue with your Synapse and let us know if we can now close the case. 

We are looking forward to your feedback. 

All the best,

Razer Technical Support

Userlevel 2

Good news guys.. Seems the issue has been resolved. I didn’t do anything (I guess is auto update?) and the CPU high usage is gone.. Sharing my support update on this issue and the working version of Synapse (3.8.0228.022313).

Hello, Andy,

Good day! 

Thank you for keeping us updated with your Razer concerns,

Good news, we are delighted to inform you that the latest version of Synapse, 3.8.0228.022313, fixes the issue with CPU consumption issue for Razer Synapse 3. 

Let us know if that resolves the issue with your Synapse and let us know if we can now close the case. 

We are looking forward to your feedback. 

All the best,

Razer Technical Support

Where can you download this update? 


I tried Check for Update from within Synapse.  I also tried to manually download from https://www.razer.com/synapse-3


Both places are still on old version.

Userlevel 2

In addition to check for update, I have explicitly turned on auto update, it does not detect any new version.

I then re-downloaded the installer and re-install Synapse 3 again, it is still the old CPU hogging version.



I was able to install the new update. (right clicked Synapse icon and clicked Check for Updates)

CPU usage is back to normal.

Userlevel 2


I was able to install the new update. (right clicked Synapse icon and clicked Check for Updates)

CPU usage is back to normal.

Can you disclose which country you are in?  I’ll try VPN to see whether it makes any difference.
