Looks amazing, now to wait for a sale so it can drop a little in price.
I love me some Razer gear and all, but this is HUGELY overpriced for what's being presented here.
why are you surprised at the price haha. but you know there will be people buying anyway.
i'm probably one of those people :big_grin_::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye_:😂
why are you surprised at the price haha. but you know there will be people buying anyway.
i'm probably one of those people :big_grin_::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye_:😂
I'm surprised as it's pretty gougy to be honest. It's overpriced. There are better monitors out there for less. This is just Razer Tax in effect and no matter how asinine it may be, people will (such as yourself) plunk down money for it just to say they have it. To each their own and all, but I'm not one of those people even though I can afford it.
The lack of bezel is really making me have jelly legs!!!
NOthing quite like a bezelless display
why are you surprised at the price haha. but you know there will be people buying anyway.
i'm probably one of those people :big_grin_::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye_:😂
Me too, honestly for that price I can get a professional color graded work display...
Looks great, feels great but unfortunately it really is too expensive :frown_:
Finally... someone really tells it like it is on this monitor.