Razer Nari Ultimate Dongle Replacement | Razer Insider
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Razer Nari Ultimate Dongle Replacement

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Hello everyone. the problem is a bad soldering spot. had the same. disassemble the usb. and put the mainboard only into the preheated oven at 230°c for 5 minutes

i have the benefit of being a pcb engineer so i have the knowledge and tools. if you have an temperature adjustable hot air gun use that. 5 minutes and 230° on slow air. not fast otherwise you´ll blow away the electronics.


for disassembling you need a cutter and cut open on the sides where it has been glued. remove the little cap and pull the plastic out where the mainboard is seated.


maybe ill create a youtube video on this

It’s easier to open a BBB case on it because they might just help everyone else when they get enough push 


So same thing happened to me two days ago, unfortunately for razer a month before my warranty ends! 

But I'm 100% sure it will happen again when my warranty will be over, what should I do or where should I look for new dongle? Do you think Chinese replacement from aliexpress will also do the job? 

I really like this headset, never disappointed me until now...its such a shame we are not able to buy new dongle from razer page, even if they are aware of the problem.

bayCocoaBrowndirect872 wrote:

So same thing happened to me two days ago, unfortunately for razer a month before my warranty ends! 

But I'm 100% sure it will happen again when my warranty will be over, what should I do or where should I look for new dongle? Do you think Chinese replacement from aliexpress will also do the job? 

I really like this headset, never disappointed me until now...its such a shame we are not able to buy new dongle from razer page, even if they are aware of the problem.

I think a BBB case would be best to do. That way you help everyone and get your issue resolved as well.

I will be setting up a domain later today to gather cases please let me know if you would participate.


I got same issue recently. Repeating connect & disconnect, then just not recognized as usb device. How can I buy a replacement? 2nd upset of Razer product since Huntsman Elite keyboard jog dial issue.


The same problem, when I connect my PC it doesn't recognize them, they started connecting and disconnecting until they stopped working.

easyJETOlive799 wrote:

Hello everyone. the problem is a bad soldering spot. had the same. disassemble the usb. and put the mainboard only into the preheated oven at 230°c for 5 minutes

i have the benefit of being a pcb engineer so i have the knowledge and tools. if you have an temperature adjustable hot air gun use that. 5 minutes and 230° on slow air. not fast otherwise you´ll blow away the electronics.


for disassembling you need a cutter and cut open on the sides where it has been glued. remove the little cap and pull the plastic out where the mainboard is seated.


maybe ill create a youtube video on this

Could you share somo pics or video plz. I want to try this. My Razer Nari headset are only 4 months and the dongle stopped working

I bought the dongle from AliExpress 




And after 2 months it finally arrived and i paired them to my headphones without issue (it took 2 months cuz is sout america.. i understand that in the US it only takes a couple weeks).


Also for those who wanna try to fix the dongle itself, i found this on reddit:



  • Insider Mini
  • 1 reply
  • March 8, 2024
scarface16134 wrote:

I will be setting up a domain later today to gather cases please let me know if you would participate.

I might be interested. What’s going on with that domain you set up?

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  • 1 reply
  • March 8, 2024

To all of you who are under warranty, have you tried talking to Razer?
I also had the problem and they replaced them with another superior model.

Hernan_inside….Very Good links!!


easyJETOlive799 wrote:

Hello everyone. the problem is a bad soldering spot. had the same. disassemble the usb. and put the mainboard only into the preheated oven at 230°c for 5 minutes

i have the benefit of being a pcb engineer so i have the knowledge and tools. if you have an temperature adjustable hot air gun use that. 5 minutes and 230° on slow air. not fast otherwise you´ll blow away the electronics.


for disassembling you need a cutter and cut open on the sides where it has been glued. remove the little cap and pull the plastic out where the mainboard is seated.


maybe ill create a youtube video on this

Thank you very much. This really helped me. I put it in the oven for the indicated time and at the indicated temperature. I removed it, let it cool down, and miraculously, the dongle works again!

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  • April 15, 2024

At least this issue doesn’t actually appear to be Razer bricking anything, it does appear to be failed solder on the dongle mainboard. I successfully reflowed mine and it works like it did before. Here is a video I made on how to get the mainboard out to reflow (either reflow station or home oven). Def go look at some videos on how to reflow stuff in a home oven first if you’re going to do it, and go low on the temps/times, you can snap it back together and try it, and then bump things up if needed. If you drop a component off the board, game over. Hope this helps someone else out there: 




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  • April 20, 2024

I have a razer nari ultimate headset. Where. An I find a replacement USB dongle to buy

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  • April 21, 2024

guys… the guy above is a genious.

Don’t be afraid and give it a try.

I cooked the usb board for 5 minutes and now it works back again.

Useless to say I broke the whole plastic and metal, fortunately I had some USB keys with the rail and it does the job. This is my new dongle.

It works…. for now


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  • April 30, 2024

We shouldnt have to take apart the usb dongle and fix it out selfs with so many cases of it being defective.

The fact razer just sweeping this under the rug and telling us to kick rocks  just locks in ill never buy another product of theirs or even recomend them.


they have gone way of alienware, started off strong but now are just a cash grab. you lost your ways and hope you get hit with a huge report or lawsuit from your inaction to fix a flaw you know is in this headset… you even stopped making them and give out the new ones for replacments for those lucky enough to be inwarranty still.

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  • May 1, 2024
easyJETOlive799 wrote:

Hello everyone. the problem is a bad soldering spot. had the same. disassemble the usb. and put the mainboard only into the preheated oven at 230°c for 5 minutes

i have the benefit of being a pcb engineer so i have the knowledge and tools. if you have an temperature adjustable hot air gun use that. 5 minutes and 230° on slow air. not fast otherwise you´ll blow away the electronics.


for disassembling you need a cutter and cut open on the sides where it has been glued. remove the little cap and pull the plastic out where the mainboard is seated.


maybe ill create a youtube video on this

didn’t work for me. but it has detrection on USB ports heard the sound again. but still can’t detect the bluetooth..


I am beyond disgusted at how common this issue has seemed to be and how many people it has affected. I paid £150 for the ‘Razer Nari Ultimate’ just for it to last me 2 years. I left a work call just to be introduced this issue out of complete randomness. I’ve tried to contact amazon and razor support but no hope as their pages tell me I am no longer in warranty, I cannot even buy a replacement part (?) that is crazy. My £150 piece of equipment completely bricked?

I’ve tried the below solutions and it has been no hope, cooked it swirled it, even took it out on a day trip but got no luck. Thank you for those actually trying to work on a solution.


If any of you know if normal random USB dongles can be reprogrammed along-side the assistance of the pairing utility then let me know? That sounds logical but then again I’m no expert.


My discord is ‘coderky’ if any of you find a solution.

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  • 6 replies
  • June 8, 2024

Blue light means you have to buy another $200 headset, RMA and swap in the broken dongle, warranty then refund it via amazon. 

I had this happen before a year after I bought it 4 years ago. Support sucked and it took over a month for them to replace it. I had to give them $200 and send them my headset and accessories back. Again, I had to wait till they got my money and shipping confirmation before they shipped the replacement. Then it took a while for my refund. 

Now that it’s happened again. I’m so sick and tired of troubleshooting razer products. I had to use WD40 to fix my huntsman elite, now I gota EZ bake my dongles? WTF. Am I going to have to brush my mouse next? Take it on a date. WTF Razer. Never again. 

  • Insider Mini
  • 4 replies
  • June 9, 2024

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  • July 2, 2024

I have 2 pairs of Nari Ultimate. both of their dongles have the same problem. CONECT AND DISCONECT. F*** YOU RAZER ! TRASH PRODUCT!

I was a razer product fanatic
I have 2 headphones and 1 keyboard and 1 mouse.
Two headphones are having problems. the keyboard has a problem, the only one that is still alive is the mouse

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  • July 11, 2024

having this same problem and no help from razer support, I know for a fact its the dongle and I just need a replacement but I don’t reallly feel like getting a. one from a 3rd party website or b. taking about mine, seems like bs 

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  • July 16, 2024

Same problem here. This was my 3rd(!) pair of Razer Nari Ultimate (one had been replaced by warranty). Had this one for about 2 years and then this happened. I will not buy a replacement usb dongle from a third party site for 50€. I’ll try the oven trick lol, if that doesn’t work I guess i’ll have to buy a entirely new headset (and it won’t be a razer headset this time.. guess i’m going back to logitech after using Razer for the past 15 years..)

  • Insider Mini
  • 2 replies
  • August 9, 2024
easyJETOlive799 wrote:

Hello everyone. the problem is a bad soldering spot. had the same. disassemble the usb. and put the mainboard only into the preheated oven at 230°c for 5 minutes

i have the benefit of being a pcb engineer so i have the knowledge and tools. if you have an temperature adjustable hot air gun use that. 5 minutes and 230° on slow air. not fast otherwise you´ll blow away the electronics.


for disassembling you need a cutter and cut open on the sides where it has been glued. remove the little cap and pull the plastic out where the mainboard is seated.


maybe ill create a youtube video on this

Hey gang, I tried this solution 2 days ago and it worked! Getting the plastic housing off was a challenge - had to use a knife to split the seam, but after that, it was easy. 

HIGHLY recommend trying this before buying an Aliexpress replacement or going wired.

THANKS, easyJETOlive79 !


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