Razer Nari Ultimate Dongle Replacement | Razer Insider
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I have had this headset for at least 2 years, It's worked fantastically the entire time right up until a few days ago when it stopped connecting. headset works fine with the cable connection, I've tried to use the various utilities to fix it and none them of worked so i went to look for a new dongle online and could find nothing, then i saw other posts of people with the same problem. Can anyone help with solving this issue.

Hey gang, I had the same problem. The baking remedy above by easyJETOlive799 worked perfectly! My heasdet is back in business :-) 

The problem is a bad soldering spot. had the same. disassemble the usb. and put the mainboard only into the preheated oven at 230°c for 5 minutes

I HIGHLY recommend trying this out before you buy a replacement on aliexpress/ebay. 

Many thanks, easyJETOlive799!

Thank you easyJETOlive799 and Yojimbo75.  Yojimbo75 has a great video and had the dongle apart in 2 minutes.  Baked at 435F for 4 minutes, left for 5 minutes to cool and reassembled.  Dongle is working again.  Kids got a good chuckle when dad was baking the circuit board.  Don't through out something you can easily fix, especially if you loved using it before it failed.  Remember there has been a big deal about your right to repair the stuff you buy, take the initiative when you can.  It is too bad Razer isn't doing more to help, like posting instructions like these two stellar members of the community.

Hi guys, 


Please PM me the serial number of your headset so I can validate its model and check our options for sending you a replacement dongle. Thank you!

did you guys fixed this problem ? i have the same problem 2024, should i buy the dongle somewhere or how ? Thanks

At least this issue doesn’t actually appear to be Razer bricking anything, it does appear to be failed solder on the dongle mainboard. I successfully reflowed mine and it works like it did before. Here is a video I made on how to get the mainboard out to reflow (either reflow station or home oven). Def go look at some videos on how to reflow stuff in a home oven first if you’re going to do it, and go low on the temps/times, you can snap it back together and try it, and then bump things up if needed. If you drop a component off the board, game over. Hope this helps someone else out there: 



it works, i did it today and now i can use them again, thanks a lot.

I have had this headset for at least 2 years, It's worked fantastically the entire time right up until a few days ago when it stopped connecting. headset works fine with the cable connection, I've tried to use the various utilities to fix it and none them of worked so i went to look for a new dongle online and could find nothing, then i saw other posts of people with the same problem. Can anyone help with solving this issue.

I have had the same issue, my dongle stopped working but the headset works fine. It’s a shame because it just happened outside the 2-year warranty 

i have the same problem but couldn't get it fixed. it stopped working after one year. just ordered one of ebay.  all my gaming hardware is razer and everything has failed but my mouse. i love the products but they just don't last
