Razer Nari Ultimate Dongle Replacement | Razer Insider
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Razer Nari Ultimate Dongle Replacement

I have had this headset for at least 2 years, It's worked fantastically the entire time right up until a few days ago when it stopped connecting. headset works fine with the cable connection, I've tried to use the various utilities to fix it and none them of worked so i went to look for a new dongle online and could find nothing, then i saw other posts of people with the same problem. Can anyone help with solving this issue.

Hey gang, I had the same problem. The baking remedy above by easyJETOlive799 worked perfectly! My heasdet is back in business :-) 

The problem is a bad soldering spot. had the same. disassemble the usb. and put the mainboard only into the preheated oven at 230°c for 5 minutes

I HIGHLY recommend trying this out before you buy a replacement on aliexpress/ebay. 

Many thanks, easyJETOlive799!
