Hey so when im going to services and try to turn on razer synapse service it says "stopped" and when i try to turn it on again it still says stopped pls help
since i cannot find the suited thread or section on this forum for my issue. I decided just to leave it here.
In the hope that someone is able to help me or a forum mod could move this post to the desired section.
I received my Razer wolverine v2 Chroma today. The controller feels amazing... But i am unable to remap my extra buttons since i cannot update my controller in the Razer controller setup for Xbox.
It stays stuck on 0% i have tried everything the controller is detected by the pc and software but i cannot get it to update....
I just bought the Viper Ultimate and Synapse refuses to run for me on Windows 10. I've reinstalled the latest version (26 Nov 21) about four times now. The Razer Central app loads fine, I can login fine, Cortex runs fine, all of the services (ie Razer Synapse Service, RzActionSVc, etc are running the background. Temporarily disabling my firewall didn't help, A clean install as administrator and running as administrator didn't help, using different USB ports doesn't help, restarting the processes doesn't help, using my mouse wired doesn't help.
I guess I might have to return this mouse for a refund, shame as it's one of the few ambidextrous mice around that has features I want. Might be back to the Logitech G Pro for me. :frown_:
take the opportunity to bug report also this is regarding Razer viper 8K
open up RAZER SYNAPSE 3.6.1130.111217
here click on Mouse FUNKCTION
also notice to do this
RAZOR Hypershift have to be enable
click on left click enable turbo
set speed 20 (press / sec)
trying to save this profile setting up to the cloud service can not be done
or trying to save this as local save profile with the setting abow cant be done as you have to do the same every singel time
it will fail every single time with this setting and yes have been trying alot
That's a good info for someone in need.
The Razer Central Service mentioned in the video does not even existed
I have never had any problems with Synapse. But I bookmarked this just in case I have this one in the future. Thanks!
Still don't need this one but thanks for those who asked for it.
Thank you qaurrarara
this never happened to me
This is kinda the basic troubleshooting stuff, i'm pretty sure people would like something more advanced and more accurate.
helpful, thank you!!
Sometimes I encountered this problem. Good to know there's a video to fix this.
Thankfully it hasn't happened to me. This looks like a terrible problem and I don't wish it to any gamer
Nice video! Thanks support!
Very imp info
nice video guide, as usual.
i just using synapse apps to turn off my razer mouse rgb, old skol gaming :D
everything is working fine
Didn't know this was an issue.. hope this is enough for all
So, i take it that there will be no guides on the 2.0 version, which is still used on some products even nowadays.
RAZER always looking out for their Insiders!!
i never had this problem but i know i can count on this video if it ever comes

thank you
Thanks for the Guide!
Luckily my Synapse works perfect. Thank you for the video and keep it up RAZER !
Thanks for the guide. Hope it helps for those who have problems using synapse