Razer Audio Mixer video freezes | Razer Insider

Razer Audio Mixer video freezes

  • 25 November 2023
  • 29 replies

Userlevel 1


since 6 month or so i had some really anoying problems with my audio mixer, when i watch videos (no matter where youtube, netflix, netflix app) the video freezes but the audio continues.

After the latest Synapse update it got even worse. Now when i watch a video it freeses in the first 10 seconds, bevor i could watch for a few minutes. Only fix is relaoding the page.

It also only occours  when there is a video, youtube music with out video runs fin for hours. But as soon as i turn on the video its starts buffering after some time but the audio keeps playing. Even when i let it play in the backgroung which is the most anoying part, since i can’t really hear my youtube playlists anymore.


I’m sorry for any typos since english is not my first language.



29 Replies

Hi all. I had the following problem. I bought a Behringer UV1 mic preamp (similar to DBX 286s) and when I connect it to a razer audio mixer I get a constant loud noise. I've already connected it via XLR and TRS Jack 6.3 and it's still noisy. Moreover, this is not even background noise, but noise at the same level as my voice. If I connect the Behringer uv 1 preamplifier to my PC and connect headphones to it, the sound is excellent, but as soon as I connect it to a razer audio mixer, loud noise and interference immediately appear. I've already tried changing XLR cables - it's not the problem. I think it's the mixer that's the problem.

Userlevel 1

Update from me:

Windows 11 pro: All updates

Faststart disabled

Razer Synapse Version: 20240229


Problem is fixed.


I know there is an update for the synapse software, but I don’t want to risk it getting broken again.

How does disabling fast startup fix this problem? Doing it now…fingers crossed!


Edit - It doesn’t fix the problem. Audio still will lag causing issued with videos to either stop entirely (e.g. YT) or cause the video to buffer while the audio persists in which having to mute the video will let the video catch up to the audio….this is frustrating to say the least.

i am having this issue and have found that using the restart audio drivers function on the customize tab replicates this issue. i suspect there is an automatic/scheduled prompt to restart audio drivers that messes with video encoding in session. 
